Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blast from the Past: The Boondock Saints

How this movie has eluded me for ten years is beyond me. I'm gonna be honest here, contrary to popular belief amongst my friends, I haven't seen every movie ever made. Until recently The Boondock Saints was in that category, and might have stayed there had I not seen a trailer for the upcoming sequel. I thought the trailer was badass and figured the first one had to be pretty good as well. Pretty good was wrong, f**cking amazing is what it turned out to be. So the story goes one night on St. Patrick's Day some guys are in a bar having a good time minding there business, and these Russian mobsters come in messing things up. So through a chain of events we find out these two brothers, just average guys who were involved in the bar fight had to end up defending themselves and kill the Russian mobsters. This leads to a chain of events where the two brothers, who are truly righteous guys, decide to take out every despicable low life in south Boston on the wrong side of the law. What happens next is what turn out to be one of the coolest vigilante bloodbath movies I've ever seen. It has a really cool formula where first we see the crime scene and after the cops speculate about what happened the movie goes back and shows us what actually happened. Its just cool, and the brothers are so likable that even though they brutally murdering people, they're really only murdering bad people so its no big deal. I can't believe I just typed that and meant it, but that's really how the movie makes you feel about the whole thing. I found out that this is a cult classic and I completely understand every reason why. If you've seen The Boondock Saints then you might be thinking "Whatever dude, you're late." And you'd be right, but if you haven't this is a must see.

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne