Sunday, November 30, 2008

Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins

A few days before I watched this movie, my sister had told me that it could have been better. After I finished watching it, I couldn't figure out what she meant by that. With an ensemble cast of comedy kings (and queens) Martin Lawrence, Cedric the Entertainer, Mike Epps, Monique, not to mention Michael Clark Duncan and James Errol freakin Jones. Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins is a welcome addition to my DVD collection. OK so it's about a talk show host of the title character played by Lawrence who hasn't been home in nine years, when his parents 50th anniversary comes up he is practically forced to go. When he gets there things are business as usual, no one cares that he's a celebrity, he's just plain old "Scoe". His cousin who he's always been in competition with also comes to the anniversary played by Cedric. One thing I really like about Jenkins is the fact that it was a good black family comedy, I know that more of those are showing up lately, but it wasn't that long ago films like this were almost nonexistent. I found so many people in my family in the characters of the film, these are genuine characters, and when characters are this believable you really can't help but to like the movie. Oh yeah did I mention that this movie is funny, no scratch that, it's hilarious. Everyone is at the top of their game in this film, and one thing I notice about a lot of comedies, you know how after the movie is over you talk about who was funnier than who in the movie, well I can honestly say that no one was outdone in this movie. Like I said everyone was on their game. One more little thing that doesn't really have anything to do with the movie, but I liked the fact that it wasn't a cookout or family reunion for the reason they got together. So many black films make it seem like the only time black people get together is when there's a cookout. Sorry for going off tangent there, anyway Jenkins is a truly entertaining family film with genuine characters, and real life lessons. Welcome Roscoe Jenkins into your Home.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Quantum of Solace

I gotta be honest, I was a little tipsy when I went to see Quantum of Solace so some of the details are kinda fuzzy, so unfortunatly this might be a short review lets see.  This time around James Bond is looking for revenge, after his lover Vespa was killed all he can focus on is finding her killer, no matter what the cost.  Some of his actions raise questions in MI:6 if Bond was on thier side anymore, or was he so blinded by revenge that he didn't care who he hurt along the way.  This is the center of the film.  We watch as Bond goes deeper into madness looking for Vespa's killer, and it makes for some good entertainment.  This is the only Bond movie that can be counted as a true sequel, continuing the story from Casino Royale.  I don't think I have to mention how good Daniel Craig is as James Bond, because by now we all know.  I will mention the action sequences, I do remember the action scenes, and as far as Bond movies go they are quite impressive, maybe some of the best in a bond movie ever.  The movie opens with an incredible car chase sequence, I mean the film literally opens in the middle of a chase sequence.  It really doesn't slow down from there, to some of the people who said Casino Royale didn't have enough action (and to that I say, seriously?) Quantum of Solace gives them what they wanted, James Bond is becoming more like Jason Bourne, and I'm not complaining.  This is really a no brainer, with Daniel Craig behind the wheel, you're guaranteed to have a great ride.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne


I wasn't interested in seeing Hancock in theaters, because I kept hearing mixed reviews.  Some people liked it, some hated it, but no one said they loved it.  So last night it came in from netflix, me and my girlfriend put the movie in, got comfy, and prepared for the worst.  I really dont need to explain the premise here because if you haven't heard of this movie you've been living under a rock and shouldn't even be reading this blog.  As im watching the Hancock im thinking to myself this isn't as bad as I thought is was going to be.  The story was original, the characters were interesting, and it had some pretty funny moments.  Then about half way throught the film it seemed like the writer decided to throw some words in a blender and see what comes out.  I guess I'll have to explain, up until somewhere in the middle of the movie it was a really cool hero film, but for some reason Charlize Theron had powers too, and thats when the film derails.  I didn't understand why this was necessary, anyway it turns out that Hancocks and the chicks powers are directly connected. I won't giveaway how if you haven't seen it, but it's really stupid and turns what could have been a funny and original superhero flick into a strange, badly written, overexposed,  summer movie.  Hancock at best is a rent, but really you could just wait for HBO to show it.

2 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne