Sunday, February 22, 2009

My 2009 Oscar Picks

So I've caught up on quite a few films nominated in various catagories as I do every year, and here are my picks. First I'll say what or who I think should win, but then give my second pick, the one I wouldn't be mad about it my first pick doesn't win. I'm only going to do the catagories I care about, and I'll keep this short.

Best Animated Feature

1st pick:

2nd pick:
Kung Fu Panda

Visual Effects

1st pick:
Iron Man

2nd pick:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 

Adapted Screenplay

1st pick:

2nd pick:
The Reader

Original Screenplay

1st pick:

2nd pick:
In Bruges

Best Director

1st pick:
David Fincher for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

2nd pick:
Ron Howard for Frost/Nixon

Best Supporting Actress

1st pick:
Taraji P. Henson as Queenie in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

2nd pick:
Amy Adams as Sister James in Doubt

Best Supporting Actor

1st pick:
Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight

2nd pick:
Robert Downey Jr. as Kirk Lazarus in Tropic Thunder

Best Actress

1st pick:
Angelina Jolie as Christine Collins in Changeling

2nd pick:
Kate Winslet as Hanna Schmitz in The Reader

Best Actor

1st pick:
Mickey Rourke as Randy "The Ram" Robinson in The Wrestler

2nd pick:
Frank Langella as Richard Nixon in Frost/Nixon

Best Picture

1st pick:
Slumdog Millionaire

2nd pick:
The Reader

We will all find out the winners tonight, it's been a busy week, so tonight I'm going to kick back and enjoy The Oscars.

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