Friday, January 29, 2010

In From Netflix: The Hurt Locker

A lot of people like The Hurt Locker, it was one of the most critically acclaimed films of last year, and probably will be nominated for an Oscar. I just can't seem to jump on that "great movie" bandwagon with this one, don't get me wrong, The Hurt Locker is a good movie, but not a great one. The setting is Iraq in 2005 and we follow a bomb squad who's mission is to find and disarm IED's in the field. That's pretty much it, there's isn't a real story to speak of except for maybe in the first scene the squad leader of the bomb squad gets killed in action and was replaced by a new squad leader who takes a cowboy approach to disarming bombs. He doesn't like using the bot and isn't afraid to get in there with the bombs and get hands on. These moments in the film are really intense and very well done, just great stuff because with every second until the bomb is disarmed you are on the edge thinking it will go off. The fact that director Kathryn Bigelow was able to do this over and over is amazing, and she came up with some pretty creative and unpredictable situations. My problem isn't with the bomb disarming scene's but with the scenes in between. There isn't any real character development, and it all just kinda felt like something to fill in time until we get to the next bomb. It's kind of a let down because I felt like if we got to know these characters better we would care more whether or not that bomb went off, instead we just got really cool action moments. So for me The Hurt Locker just felt like moments of intensity followed by moments of..meh. Overall though it's a pretty decent movie and I would recommend it, I just felt like there was something missing and it didn't turn out to be the great film that I was expecting. If it weren't for the great action scenes I don't think I would have liked this one, those scenes make the movie, so much so that I don't feel like I'm scoring the movie itself, but the action sequences. Oh well.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne.

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