Sunday, March 21, 2010

Repo Men

Anyone who knows me knows I like different, and Repo Men is certainly different. The premise for the film is very grim and dark. In a not too distant future a company called The Union has invented a breakthrough in modern medicine, they have created artificial organs. No more waiting on a list for a liver transplant, just go to The Union and get a liver, just that simple. Well not really, you see these organs are ridiculously expensive, so expensive that its a life decision in more than one way to get one. Just as any big investment, if you cant make the payments it gets taken away. If you can't pay for your house, the bank takes it away. If you cant pay for your liver, that's where Jude Law and Forest Whitaker come in, they track you down and literally take your organ out of your body, and they love their jobs. Now with a premise as dark as Repo Men Whitaker and Law manage to give it a lighthearted buddy movie feel. The first act of this film is hilarious, and given the subject matter, that's pretty impressive. Speaking of the first act, it pulls no punches the very first scene in the film is very graphic and really lets you know what you're in for, if I had a gripe with Repo Men it would be the second act. After a pace that was fast, action packed, and just funny it drags in the second act slowing things down a bit to explore the world of the film. I'm usually all for exploring characters, most of you know this, but for some reason this film misses the mark just slightly. Once we get into the third act, the climax of the film picks up that energy again and never really stops until the end of the film, which leaves us with a very unexpected twist that you will never see coming. All in all Repo Men is a very enjoyable fun film to watch. It won't stick with you or blow you away, but for two hours I can guarantee you'll be entertained. The onscreen chemistry between Law and Whitaker is worth the ticket price alone.

3 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie, or if you follow me on twitter or facebook, let me know there.

one luv, Toinne.

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