Monday, January 5, 2009

Talking During The Film Might Get You Shot

Holy Tapdancing Jesus! I have been annoyed at disruptive movie patrons before but NEVER would I think of taking it this far. A man in South Philly was so annoyed by an annoying kid at a theater, that he SHOT his father for not shutting the whippersnapper up.

ScreenRant reports:

It’s been reported that 29-year old James Joseph Cialella Jr, who went to a screening of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button on Christmas Day, pulled out a gun and shot another man in the arm because he and his family (yes, that’s right, his family was there) for being too noisy. The incident took place at the UA Riverview Stadium 17 theater in South Philadelphia.

Cialella became annoyed when the family, which was sitting near the front, wouldn’t stop talking. He told them to be quiet, but because of this apparently the young son decided to be a smart ass and became even noisier, making comments and the like. Cialella then threw popcorn at the young boy in an attempt to get him to stop annoying him. But since that failed he decided that next logical step must be to pull out his gun (a Kel-Tec .380 handgun to be precise) and shot the father in the arm.

We have all wanted to stand up and address those annoying people who think it is there job to offer commentary during a film. Tell them off. Throw popcorn.

The theater staff is usually quite willing to ask someone to leave if they are disrupting the movie (kicking out one paying jackass is better than refunding a theater full of annoyed patrons when you do nothing) so I have to question the mental stability of a man who is willing to escalate things to this extreme. Shushing, Commenting, Popcorn… GUN. Seems he skipped a few logical steps in this conflict.

I quote the noble Reverend Book when I say that there is a Special Hell reserved for Child Molesters and People who Talk During the Movie.

I would be just as annoyed with the parent who LET their kid carry on like this. If my kid was the one disrupting everone, he would get put in his place in a hurry. But the shooter’s logic at least extended that far as to blame the father for not being a parent.

But for all you jackasses out there who think its funny to comment at the screen. You are not. And next time you will think twice about speaking up wondering if there is some unstable psychopath watching the movie with you just waiting to shoot you for your antics.

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