Monday, June 29, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Star Trek

Only JJ. Abrhams (the man behind such hit shows as Lost, Alias, and Fringe, he's also reposible for the awesome Mission Impossible 3 and Cloverfield) can take a franchise that I was never really interested in and make it completely awesome. That franchise of course is Star Trek, now of course I was aware of Star Trek I don't live under a rock, but I always thought that it was really boring. I just couldn't wrap my head around why that show was so popular and "groundbreaking". For the sake of argument some would say it was a show for it's time and it was great back then, and to that I say Star Wars was great for it's time and is still great today, so the show just sucked, get over it. Needless to say I wasn't particularly excited when I heard they were doing a new Star Trek movie, until I heard JJ. Abrhams was attached to direct, suddenly my interest was peaked. I had also heard that Abrhams was at first reluctant do the film being he was never really a fan of the show, but if the studio would let him take it in a new direction he would do it. Would you say no to JJ. Abrhams? So now I'm all in, if anyone could make Star Trek good it was this guy, and did he ever. The story introduces us to the now iconic characters, we are meeting whiz kid James T. Kirk, half human half vulcan Spock and other famous characters for the first time. This was a great decision because I'm sure I wasn't the only person in the audience with no real knowledge of the show, so meeting these characters actually pulled me in, in a way I didn't expect. Explaining the story would just confuse you because it is a very complicated story that deals with time travel, but trust me it's awesome. The last action movie I saw that was as satisfying and complete as this movie was Ironman, it's just a great ride. Oh and the action is non-stop, and I know we've all heard the phrase "non-stop action" a million times, but the action on this movie is really non-stop. There is just enough dialogue to let you know what's going on, and the BOOM another great action sequence. Abrhams has really figured out a way to keep the action going and the story moving in an elegant way that never feels forced or too over the top, I hope directors follow this formula for action films in the near future because I never once lost interest or had time to criticize the movie in my head because it never stopped. This is how action movies should be done.

5 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

OMG This Is So Random

I seriously can't stop laughing.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Hangover


5 out of 5

Ok So This Looks Awesome


"You guys want some Purell?" lolz love it.

Angels & Demons

Tom Hanks Returns as Robert Langdon in Angels & Demons the sequel to the very controversial The DaVinci Code, which to me was a decent movie, but not worth all the hype around it. Angels & Demons also has controversy surrounding it, but if those people were to just see the movie this time, they would find that it's plot is far less intrusive on religious beliefs than it's predecssor. The film is a mystery thiller that just happens to involve the catholic church. The story goes as follows, at the beginning of the film the Pope has died, and all the traditions that follow his death are in place. I'm not Catholic so I it's hard for me to remember exactly what this is called, but the film goes into great detail to help you understand what's going on. Someone has kidnapped the four men who are in line for the voting to be the next pope, and the kidnapper claims to be a part of the Illuminati, yes that Illuminati. If Langdon doesn't find these guys in five hours not only will each one be killed in every hour, but in the final hour Rome will be obliterated by a massive bomb using antimatter(google it). The events of the film play out as a modern day Indiana Jones movie, and since Indy was raped last year this is the best were going to get (really kids go back and watch the old ones cause the new one is trash) sorry got off topic. Langdon is a symbologist meaning he can decode messages and symbols in artwork, poems, text and various other things. This is how he tries to find the guys who were kidnapped and the bomb simply with his knowledge of history (stay in school kids, it could one day save your life). I don't know if the fact that the subject matter is less controversial has anything to do with this, but Angels & Demons is leaps and bounds better than The DaVinci Code. Now that I think about it, that has nothing to do with why the sequel is better. Where as DaVinci in my opinion tries to hard to be this suspenseful and thrilling movie with a great discovery that will change lives, Demons is just a suspense thriller and it doesn't try to be anymore than that. It is a very entertaining mystery that really holds your attention from beginning to end, and even when you thinks it's over and the credits are about to role there is still one big twist that you wont even see coming (and I usually catch things like that). So if you like DaVinci you will love Demons, and if you've never seen DaVinci not to worry because this is not the type of sequel were you will be lost if you didn't see the first one, it is a standalone story. I think that was smart on the directors part, he disassociates from that film to remove the stigma of it and just takes you on a great ride. Oh yeah and Tom Hanks got rid of that ridiculous haircut (couldn't resist).

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv Toinne


Disney/Pixar recently has come to a point were their films are more than just animated "kiddie" movies, but real stories with a bigger purpose. To put it simply in recent years they make films that are much more than what you would expect from a animated film, and Up is no exception. Up is the story of Carl Fredriksen a 70 year old man who always wanted to explore the world since childhood, but never got the chance decides to finally do it in his late years. I'll get back to that, the circumstances leading up to what we all know is going to happen being the house floating away with like a billion ballons attached to it are actually quite surprising and unexcepted for a film marketed towards kids. I usually tell these kinds of things in my reviews, but it was so unexpected that I dont want to ruin it, which admitedly will make writing this review much harder, but I'll try. Everytime I see a Pixar film I always ask myself "How are they going to top that?" and every year Pixar says "Like this." One thing Up does better than other Pixar movies is comedy. This is the funniest Pixar movie to date, I found myself laughing so hard at times that I couldn't hear what was happening. Don't get me wrong Pixar films have made me laugh, but not like this. Pixar is at the top of their game here Up is hilarious, exciting, touching, heartwarming and heartbreaking, it is a movie that will stay with you after you leave the theater.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

Sidenote: I saw this in 3D, but after Coraline it's really hard to be as impressed as I used to be when it comes to 3D movies. The 3D in Up was good, but not Coraline good, so it's not a must see in 3D type of movie. Regular old 2D would be just fine.

one luv, Toinne

Been On a bit of a Hiatus

I have'nt forgotten about the website, I just hadn't had time to update in a while, but last week I caught up on a bunch of movies, and I know some of these movies have been out for a while, but I'm going to write my reviews for them anyway. Miss you guys. To Be Continued...