Thursday, June 18, 2009

Angels & Demons

Tom Hanks Returns as Robert Langdon in Angels & Demons the sequel to the very controversial The DaVinci Code, which to me was a decent movie, but not worth all the hype around it. Angels & Demons also has controversy surrounding it, but if those people were to just see the movie this time, they would find that it's plot is far less intrusive on religious beliefs than it's predecssor. The film is a mystery thiller that just happens to involve the catholic church. The story goes as follows, at the beginning of the film the Pope has died, and all the traditions that follow his death are in place. I'm not Catholic so I it's hard for me to remember exactly what this is called, but the film goes into great detail to help you understand what's going on. Someone has kidnapped the four men who are in line for the voting to be the next pope, and the kidnapper claims to be a part of the Illuminati, yes that Illuminati. If Langdon doesn't find these guys in five hours not only will each one be killed in every hour, but in the final hour Rome will be obliterated by a massive bomb using antimatter(google it). The events of the film play out as a modern day Indiana Jones movie, and since Indy was raped last year this is the best were going to get (really kids go back and watch the old ones cause the new one is trash) sorry got off topic. Langdon is a symbologist meaning he can decode messages and symbols in artwork, poems, text and various other things. This is how he tries to find the guys who were kidnapped and the bomb simply with his knowledge of history (stay in school kids, it could one day save your life). I don't know if the fact that the subject matter is less controversial has anything to do with this, but Angels & Demons is leaps and bounds better than The DaVinci Code. Now that I think about it, that has nothing to do with why the sequel is better. Where as DaVinci in my opinion tries to hard to be this suspenseful and thrilling movie with a great discovery that will change lives, Demons is just a suspense thriller and it doesn't try to be anymore than that. It is a very entertaining mystery that really holds your attention from beginning to end, and even when you thinks it's over and the credits are about to role there is still one big twist that you wont even see coming (and I usually catch things like that). So if you like DaVinci you will love Demons, and if you've never seen DaVinci not to worry because this is not the type of sequel were you will be lost if you didn't see the first one, it is a standalone story. I think that was smart on the directors part, he disassociates from that film to remove the stigma of it and just takes you on a great ride. Oh yeah and Tom Hanks got rid of that ridiculous haircut (couldn't resist).

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv Toinne

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