Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This Is The Best Idea For A Movie EVER!

A priest that gets turned into a vampire, count me in. Plus it's from the director of Oldboy, there is NO WAY im missing this.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

J.K. Rowling has captivated us with her world of magic and wizardry for almost ten years now, and as in most cases you can never have too much of a good thing. The story of Harry Potter has been a long fun and magical journey and know that it's almost over it makes me a little sad. Remember when Harry was just a kid and didn't know who he was, or anything about Hogwarts and how magical that all felt? Well nine years later the world of HP feels just a magical as it did in the beginning. The only difference is he's a little older now, and not afraid to talk to girls. Harry and the gang are witches and wizards who go to a magical school, but they are still teenagers. I love how Rowling always finds a way to remind us in every book or movie that even though these great adventures are going on they are just happen to kids. This time around she uses hormones, the girls are growing boobs, the guys have strong chins and broad shoulders and everyone is starting to notice. Half Blood Prince at moments plays out like a teen comedy, but it's still HP. Half Blood Prince is the most story heavy of all the films so far, Death Eaters are attacking muggles now, they are getting braver and the loom of dark things are coming. Draco Malfoy has been chosen for something, and since I write spoiler free reviews I wont say what it is, and to ensure that Malfoy stays safe and carries out his mission Severus Snape is somewhat persuaded to make The Unbreakable Vow saying that he will watch over Malfoy and make sure what he has to do will be done, if he breaks this vow, he will die, heavy stuff, and that's not all. That is the basis for what you need to move on with the rest of the story, but I feel like if I write anymore I'm going to give the whole thing away. This is the first HP film I saw without first reading the book, and I now see why everyone who hasn't read the books enjoy the movies so much, when you're not expecting to see one thing you simply enjoy what is happening. I was so captivated by the film that I completely forgot about being upset about not having time to read the book before the movie came out. It was funny, charming, intense, and enchanting. This is The Empire Strikes Back of HP movies, it sets us up something big to come and leaves us feeling a little unsettled in the end. I enjoyed the HP movie experience so much that I'm thinking about holding of on reading Deathly Hallows until after the movie come out, if that doesn't make me a true HP fan then so be it, but I loved Half Blood Prince and until now I thought Prisoner of Azkaban was the best HP movie. One thing about the movie is it assumes you are caught up with whats going on in the would of wizards and magic, so going into this movie cold is not a good idea.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv Toinne.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Hmm, I'm not really sure how to write this review because Knowing was a complete 180 of what I actually expected. Ok so the story goes like this, 50 years ago a time capsule was buried at a school and this is the year the it will be resurfaced. Inside is a piece of paper that at first glance looks like a bunch of numbers, but an astrophysicists played by Nic Cage figures that this paper has predicted every global disaster in the last 50 years and how many people died in them, and there are three more left. Long story short Nic Cage's character figures out that the last event is the end of the world. I know you think I might have spoiled the ending there, but trust me I didn't. Cage is faced with the overwhelming task of trying to stop the end of the world. Now about what I said earlier with Knowing not being what I expected, the film has a more creepy tone than advertised and there is an element to the film that if I was to write about I would give the movie away. That element is what changes the entire movie for better or worse, in my case I liked it, although I have heard that some people just found it confusing or unnecessary. Honestly I think it was just a way for Hollywood to give the audience a somewhat satisfying ending, Hollywood doesn't like sad endings and tries to avoid them at all cost. I imagine that the first draft for the script of this film ends with the world being destroyed, but the execs didn't like it so they changed it into what we have now. I might be going of on a rant here, but I feel like I'm intelligent enough to handle an unsettling ending I LOVE unhappy endings in films simply because it almost never happens, like The Mist, wow now THAT was an ending. Anyway if you can follow a movie that switches gears on you halfway through than you might enjoy Knowing, if not you're just going to end up confused. So really this on is on you.

3 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Pure Sci-Fi Goodness

I LOVE originality in movies, and I cannot wait to see this.

Just. Awesome.

Mmm, That's Some Tasty Eyecandy


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Chicago 10

There is nothing like a good documentary. Chicago 10 follow the events of what might have been the largest protest in American history at the Democratic convention in 1967 during the Vietnam war, and the trial a year later after eight men were arrest for organizing the protest. The lawyers of these men round out the Chicago 10. This may be one of the most interesting documentaries I've have ever seen simply because of the way it was approached. As you would expect from a documentary there is footage that was taken during the protest and of the people who were involved, but what I didn't expect was the courtroom scenes being animated. Documentarian Brett Morgan didn't have any footage of the trial because there was none, so what he did was took the manuscripts from the trial and animated what happened in the courtroom. He felt the story of what happen behind those doors needed to be told. It plays out like a courtroom drama film would, but the best writers in Hollywood wouldn't have been able to make this stuff up. The animated sequences intercut with real footage easily make this the most compelling documentary I've ever seen. If you're like me and love to see a good documentary every now and then Chicago 10 is a MUST SEE, but even if you're not into documentaries you may enjoy this one because it is not approached like a traditional documentary. It is just a great film.

5 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

Blast from the Past: Titan A.E.

In the year 3028 A.D., Earth is being attacked by the Drej, which are aliens made of pure energy! The Drej mothership destroys Earth with an energy beam just as hundreds of space vehicles manage to escape with the last of mankind aboard! One of the escapees is Sam's young son Cale, who carries with him a ring given to him by his father. Fifteen years later, Cale works on a salvage station, eking out a rough life and hating his father for having disappeared aboard the Titan so long ago. Without a home planet, surviving humans have been reduced to outer space drifters and are constantly bullied and looked down on by other space-faring races. A human captain named Joseph Korso and his pilot Akima seek out Cale and explain that he must help them find the Titan which contains a mechanism that will create a new Earth and therefore unite all of humanity. Meanwhile, the Drej wants to find the Titan so that they can destroy it. It's never really clear why the Drej hat humans so much, but it doesnt really matter. The first thing I notice about Titan while watching it was that even though it was animated it was a serious sci-fi movie. The story was great, the action was intense, and the movie itself was overall epic. Speaking of this film being animated, the style of animation is incredible, it is a 2D style with a 3D animation backdrop. The result is eye-popping. The way this story plays out is almost as if this was supposed to be a live action film and then they decided to go with animation. Its just a great ride, and I'm pretty sure that if this was a live action film, 13 would have followed the PG in the rating. If you like sci-fi movies than I think that you would b pleasently surprised by Titan A.E. as I was.

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen

So before I went to see this movie I saw that there was A LOT of hate out there on the internet for T:ROTF. The first thing I noticed was that most of the hate was coming from geeks, and since I kinda consider myself a geek I figured I was going to hate this movie. I don't know if it was because my expectations were so low, but I thought Transformers was almost entertaining. It had some of the best action I'd seen so far this year, but one of the worst, most inconstant and just plain annoying story lines I've seen in a while. I did see some things about this movie that could warrant the outrage against it, but I also saw some very redeeming qualities. First I'll address the bad, the plot is ridiculous and drawn out. It just gets to a point where I was like okay this is a result of the writers strike because it felt like just an excuse for these robots to kick each others asses. The first film did have a somewhat more plausible scenario (if you're willing to except that alien robots are plausible) and it didn't over explain. The first said to us here's whats going on, now watch robots fight. This film says to us here's what going on, but also this and oh yeah one more thing, and wait just a sec...okay now watch robots fight, and it got to a point where it was so far fetched that I almost stopped caring. Yet even with it's silly story it still remains almost entertaining, and in my experience in watching movies if the plot sucks the movie itself will follow, that is not the case here. Why did I go see Transformers in the first place? I didn't go to see deeply effected characters dealing with the perils of everyday life, that's what movies like Crash and Babel are for, I came to see giant robots turn into vehicles and beat the crap out of each other, and that's exactly what I got. In that respect Michael Bay got it right. He knows what we paid for and he gives it to us. T:ROTF is not The Dark Knight or Watchmen, or even Star Trek. Every action movie is not supposed to make you think and feel (although lately its becoming the norm) some action movies are just supposed to be dumb fun action movies that don't take themselves too seriously and that is exactly what this movie is. Yet, still I have come to expect a certain level of quality in storytelling in action movies lately, sure not every action movie has to be as good as the aforementioned movies, but it wouldn't hurt either. I guess I'll just accept this movie for what it is, giant robots that turn into vehicles and beat the crap out of each other and nothing more, but really if the action wasn't solid this movie defiantly would have got a lower rating.

3 out of 5

P.S. Megan Fox was super hot. (Did you really expect me to review this movie without mentioning her)

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne