Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen

So before I went to see this movie I saw that there was A LOT of hate out there on the internet for T:ROTF. The first thing I noticed was that most of the hate was coming from geeks, and since I kinda consider myself a geek I figured I was going to hate this movie. I don't know if it was because my expectations were so low, but I thought Transformers was almost entertaining. It had some of the best action I'd seen so far this year, but one of the worst, most inconstant and just plain annoying story lines I've seen in a while. I did see some things about this movie that could warrant the outrage against it, but I also saw some very redeeming qualities. First I'll address the bad, the plot is ridiculous and drawn out. It just gets to a point where I was like okay this is a result of the writers strike because it felt like just an excuse for these robots to kick each others asses. The first film did have a somewhat more plausible scenario (if you're willing to except that alien robots are plausible) and it didn't over explain. The first said to us here's whats going on, now watch robots fight. This film says to us here's what going on, but also this and oh yeah one more thing, and wait just a sec...okay now watch robots fight, and it got to a point where it was so far fetched that I almost stopped caring. Yet even with it's silly story it still remains almost entertaining, and in my experience in watching movies if the plot sucks the movie itself will follow, that is not the case here. Why did I go see Transformers in the first place? I didn't go to see deeply effected characters dealing with the perils of everyday life, that's what movies like Crash and Babel are for, I came to see giant robots turn into vehicles and beat the crap out of each other, and that's exactly what I got. In that respect Michael Bay got it right. He knows what we paid for and he gives it to us. T:ROTF is not The Dark Knight or Watchmen, or even Star Trek. Every action movie is not supposed to make you think and feel (although lately its becoming the norm) some action movies are just supposed to be dumb fun action movies that don't take themselves too seriously and that is exactly what this movie is. Yet, still I have come to expect a certain level of quality in storytelling in action movies lately, sure not every action movie has to be as good as the aforementioned movies, but it wouldn't hurt either. I guess I'll just accept this movie for what it is, giant robots that turn into vehicles and beat the crap out of each other and nothing more, but really if the action wasn't solid this movie defiantly would have got a lower rating.

3 out of 5

P.S. Megan Fox was super hot. (Did you really expect me to review this movie without mentioning her)

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

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