Saturday, July 11, 2009


Hmm, I'm not really sure how to write this review because Knowing was a complete 180 of what I actually expected. Ok so the story goes like this, 50 years ago a time capsule was buried at a school and this is the year the it will be resurfaced. Inside is a piece of paper that at first glance looks like a bunch of numbers, but an astrophysicists played by Nic Cage figures that this paper has predicted every global disaster in the last 50 years and how many people died in them, and there are three more left. Long story short Nic Cage's character figures out that the last event is the end of the world. I know you think I might have spoiled the ending there, but trust me I didn't. Cage is faced with the overwhelming task of trying to stop the end of the world. Now about what I said earlier with Knowing not being what I expected, the film has a more creepy tone than advertised and there is an element to the film that if I was to write about I would give the movie away. That element is what changes the entire movie for better or worse, in my case I liked it, although I have heard that some people just found it confusing or unnecessary. Honestly I think it was just a way for Hollywood to give the audience a somewhat satisfying ending, Hollywood doesn't like sad endings and tries to avoid them at all cost. I imagine that the first draft for the script of this film ends with the world being destroyed, but the execs didn't like it so they changed it into what we have now. I might be going of on a rant here, but I feel like I'm intelligent enough to handle an unsettling ending I LOVE unhappy endings in films simply because it almost never happens, like The Mist, wow now THAT was an ending. Anyway if you can follow a movie that switches gears on you halfway through than you might enjoy Knowing, if not you're just going to end up confused. So really this on is on you.

3 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

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