Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

J.K. Rowling has captivated us with her world of magic and wizardry for almost ten years now, and as in most cases you can never have too much of a good thing. The story of Harry Potter has been a long fun and magical journey and know that it's almost over it makes me a little sad. Remember when Harry was just a kid and didn't know who he was, or anything about Hogwarts and how magical that all felt? Well nine years later the world of HP feels just a magical as it did in the beginning. The only difference is he's a little older now, and not afraid to talk to girls. Harry and the gang are witches and wizards who go to a magical school, but they are still teenagers. I love how Rowling always finds a way to remind us in every book or movie that even though these great adventures are going on they are just happen to kids. This time around she uses hormones, the girls are growing boobs, the guys have strong chins and broad shoulders and everyone is starting to notice. Half Blood Prince at moments plays out like a teen comedy, but it's still HP. Half Blood Prince is the most story heavy of all the films so far, Death Eaters are attacking muggles now, they are getting braver and the loom of dark things are coming. Draco Malfoy has been chosen for something, and since I write spoiler free reviews I wont say what it is, and to ensure that Malfoy stays safe and carries out his mission Severus Snape is somewhat persuaded to make The Unbreakable Vow saying that he will watch over Malfoy and make sure what he has to do will be done, if he breaks this vow, he will die, heavy stuff, and that's not all. That is the basis for what you need to move on with the rest of the story, but I feel like if I write anymore I'm going to give the whole thing away. This is the first HP film I saw without first reading the book, and I now see why everyone who hasn't read the books enjoy the movies so much, when you're not expecting to see one thing you simply enjoy what is happening. I was so captivated by the film that I completely forgot about being upset about not having time to read the book before the movie came out. It was funny, charming, intense, and enchanting. This is The Empire Strikes Back of HP movies, it sets us up something big to come and leaves us feeling a little unsettled in the end. I enjoyed the HP movie experience so much that I'm thinking about holding of on reading Deathly Hallows until after the movie come out, if that doesn't make me a true HP fan then so be it, but I loved Half Blood Prince and until now I thought Prisoner of Azkaban was the best HP movie. One thing about the movie is it assumes you are caught up with whats going on in the would of wizards and magic, so going into this movie cold is not a good idea.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv Toinne.

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