Thursday, April 15, 2010


What I originally intended to do with this review was to simply write: Kick-Ass, does. Score it and leave it at that, but I feel like I need to explain why Kick-Ass is one of the greatest movies ever made. Dave Lizewski is just a normal kid in high school. He wonders why nobody has ever put on a costume and tried to help people like superheroes do, you would think with all the comic books and movies out there some idiot would have at least tried it by now, well one day Dave decides he was going to be that idiot. As a comic book fan this is something that I to have fantasized about, I'm just not stupid enough to do it, so Dave creates an alter ego named Kick-Ass and goes out to fight crime. After getting his ass kicked all over YouTube, what he does is inspire other people to do the same, well not get beat up, but to throw on a costume and fight crime . Every action has a reaction because the towns head mob boss doesn't like the fact that there are so called superheroes out there making him look bad. Suddenly Dave's little fantasy world becomes bigger than him, and he quickly starts to realize that he's in way over his head. I expected Kick-Ass to be a fun and entertaining action flick, but what I didn't expect was such a well written story with great characters and serious conflict. Not only does Kick-Ass, well, kick ass, but it's a truly great movie and far surpasses any movie in its genre. Forget Spiderman, X-men, Batman, even Ironman, Kick-Ass has set a standard for what hero movies should be, and has raised the bar high, like astronomical. It's so good because it's relate-able, especially for a comic book fan such as myself. Even though the aforementioned characters have films that are pretty entertaining, none of them can really be related to, I love superheroes, but I have always felt kind of a disconnect to the characters simply because non of that was possible in real life. Kick-Ass on the other hand had real people with no powers, just the tenacity to get out there and help others for the greater good. The story progression and character interaction felt very natural and realistic, and it's because of this that when these peoples lives were in danger, you felt it on a primal level and not just as a bystander. I can't finish this review without mentioning Chloe Grace Moretz who plays Hit Girl. She owns this movie. This little girl is the highlight of the film, watching this 11 year old kick so much ass was so inspiring. Hit Girl is a character that will no doubt be controversial, but makes the movie in every way. People will say that having a little girl put in such dangerous situations, and killing people in such violent ways was irresponsible of the filmmakers, but I look at it this way, I could see if this little girl was vulnerable and the situations she found herself in caused her to be afraid or in over her head, then yeah the naysayers would be right. But Hit Girl was not vulnerable in any way, shape, or form, in fact she made grown men with guns cower in fear, my girlfriend said seeing that was empowering to her as a women, to see this little girl handle her own in the face of death, it made her feel like if Hit Girl could handle herself so well, then so can she. I think that says it all. After seeing it only once Kick-Ass is one of my favorite films of all time, its just a nonstop, roller coaster ride. This movie is made of pure adrenaline, and even as I'm writing this review, I'm still feeling the rush.

5 out of 5

Agree of Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie, or if you follow me on twitter or face book let me know there.

one luv, Toinne.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

In From Netflix: The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day

If you saw the first one then you know how much uber cool ass that movie kicked. Well guess what, the second one kicks more. This time around "The Saints" have been hiding out in Ireland for the past nine years, and after all this time someone wants to draw them out. A priest in their neighborhood was murdered in the same fashion they used to kill criminals. This pisses them off in a major way and brought them out of hiding, and back to Boston. One of the best lines in the film is "Whoever wanted to bring them out of hiding only had one small flaw in their plan, it worked." Boy did it ever because they hit Boston with the vengeance of God. This movie is not just as good as the first one, it's better. It uses the same formula that the first film had, which really works for the film because it switches things up on your expectations by doing the same thing in a different way. There's no doubt that this film will have the same cult classic status the first one did. Look if you saw the first one then I really don't have to convince you to see this, in fact you might have already seen it, but if you're not aware of these cult classics I strongly recommend putting them in your netlflix queue because they are totally awesome, adrenaline injected, testosterone filled movies.

5 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie, or if you follow me on twitter of facebook, let me know there.

one luv, Toinne


The Comedy Match-Up I've Been For!

Trailer for The Losers

I love cool shit like this.

OK, I'm In.

I love espionage thrillers, and say what you want about Tom Cruise, but the guy knows how to make a decent action movie, so count me in on this one.

This is really a no brainer.

Oh Pixar, how I love thee, let me count the ways.....

Yes, yes, yes and yes! Did I say yes?

Based on the ever awesome comic book series, I have been waiting for this one for a while, and it looks like they stayed true to the source material. YES!

Wait, what?

I don't know who came up with this, but thank you.

It's time to Kick Ass!

I know I've already posted this trailer at least twice already, but I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!! Violence, action, swearing kids with guns, comedy, McLovin' has everything anyone can ask for in a movie! April 16 can't get here faster!


Just watch.

Trailer for The Other Guys

I know movies like this are totally corny, but I love cop comedies, they just crack me up. So I'm in line for this one, bring it on Will Ferrel.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why Did I Get Married Too?

I cant tell you how many times I've watched a Tyler Perry movie and thought to myself "Isn't this the exact same movie he did last time?" It's not a secret, I don't like Tyler Perry movies. I've never really seen one that I considered to be a well done film with fleshed out characters. His films are always so predictable to the point that within the first 20 minutes of every one his films I have figured out every characters actions down to the very second. That is until now. You may not believe these words coming from me, and honestly, I almost don't believe them myself either, but 'Why Did I Get Married Too?' is an outstanding film, and hands down the best Tyler Perry film to date. There I said it, now let me tell you why. This time around Perry doesn't just give us the formula that we have all become used to in his films, you know it just as well as I do. A broken, scarred, and mentally shatter women learns a lesson through love and faith in God and suddenly becomes a better person. Throw in a few scenes with Madea, a church scene, some rebellious kids, a friend with great advice that is never taken, an abusive husband, and that one perfect guy who will magically make everything better and you have a Tyler Perry movie. None of that is present here. Perry really explores each couple in the film with such depth and emotion that I was totally taken off guard, I knew I was watching a Tyler Perry film, but it didn't feel like it. It's almost as if he knows what we have come to expect from him and said, not this time. I usually would give some details on the story, but it's just so well done that I really don't want to give anything away. The performances in this film are also top notch, everyone brings their A game in this one, even Perry who I never really considered much of an actor. I'm still in shock and now finally I'm a believer. I always felt like Perry had a great film in him, he just had to step away from his formula to give it to us, and that is exactly what he does here. If he can continue to make films like this, then I will be just as excited to see his films as everyone else I know. If you miss out on this film than you will be missing out on Tyler Perry's best work yet.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie, or if you follow me on twitter or facebook let me know there.

one luv, Toinne.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How To Train Your Dragon

In my eyes Dreamworks Animation Studios has always been unable to find its way from under Pixar's giant shadow. Dreamworks has made some entertaining movies, but has never reached the greatness in storytelling that the guys and gals at Pixar give us every single time. Well now we have How To Train Your Dragon, and this time Dreamworks got it right. It tells the story of a kid named Hiccup, he's a Viking but you wouldn't be able to tell it by looking at him. He's scrawny, timid, and not really good at doing what Vikings do best, killing dragons. One day he actually ends up trapping a dragon that no one in his village has even seen, but when he goes to kill the dragon, he just cant do it. This was crushing to him inside knowing he didn't have it in him to do the one thing Vikings were born to do. After this crushing blow something happens between him and the dragon the he eventually names Toothless that made him look at dragons in a completely different way. What I like about 'Dragon' so much is the fact that the story develops so well, it's always natural and never feels hokey or forced like most Dreamworks films do. Hiccup really has to earn the trust of Toothless before the dragon even let's him interact with it, and there are a few surprises and plot twists that truly keep this story very interesting. It never stays in one place to long and we find out something about the dragons near the end of the movie that ends up changing the whole film. As I was watching it though it had occurred to me that this is Avatar with dragons. One person finds himself on the inside of a misunderstood society and ends up trying to protect them, it's the same thing. I'm not complaining, Avatar was awesome, and so is How To Train Your Dragon. Dreamworks best film to date, and it's about time. Pixar you now have real competition.

5 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie, or if you follow me on twitter or facebook, let me know there.

one luv, Toinne.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clash of the Titans

Thank God Why Did I Get Married Too was sold out or else you would be reading a review for that film. So after managing to avoid yet another Tyler Perry movie I was able to check out Clash of the Titans. The story is based on Greek mythology, Perseus played by Avatar's Sam Worthington is a demigod, half man-half god, the son of Zeus. After men have declared war on the Gods Hades comes to Zeus and asks him to "let loose" on them. Zeus agrees to Hades inquiry not knowing that it was all part of a plan to dethrone Zeus, Hades was just waiting for the right moment. Down on Earth Perseus has just discovered that he is a demigod and at first doesn't know how to deal with the news. After Hades gives an ultimatum to the people of the city of Argos they turn to Perseus for help, he doesn't hesitate on the offer so that he can have a chance at taking down Hades for killing the man who raised him, the only father he's ever known. It's a familiar story because at some point or another we have all came across Greek mythology in our lives, this is just an updated version with big CG creatures. The script for Clash is very solid I really had no problems with the story at all, my beef lies with the fact that the script was just too big for director Louis Leterrier. Don't get my wrong, I enjoyed the film quite a bit, but it just wasn't as epic as it could have been, and coming from Greek mythology this movie could have been EPIC. I just felt like if this script was in the hands of Steven Spielberg or Peter Jackson this would've been a great movie, but it's just a popcorn flick that could have been so much more. Overall Clash of the Titans is a pretty decent flick and worth the ticket price. I didn't see the 3D version of this film only because I heard the 3D conversion was terrible and takes you out of the movie, but I would recommend Clash if you just want a decent action flick and really nothing more.

3 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you think about this movie, or if you follow me on twitter or facebook let me know there.

one luv, Toinne.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Remember the badass glory days of action movies? When shit blew up, and a whole lot of people died in one scene. When the dudes were big and burly and punched other big burly dudes in the face? Well apparently so does Stallone and crew, which is why they have given us this......

Welcome back actions movies, we missed you.