Thursday, April 15, 2010


What I originally intended to do with this review was to simply write: Kick-Ass, does. Score it and leave it at that, but I feel like I need to explain why Kick-Ass is one of the greatest movies ever made. Dave Lizewski is just a normal kid in high school. He wonders why nobody has ever put on a costume and tried to help people like superheroes do, you would think with all the comic books and movies out there some idiot would have at least tried it by now, well one day Dave decides he was going to be that idiot. As a comic book fan this is something that I to have fantasized about, I'm just not stupid enough to do it, so Dave creates an alter ego named Kick-Ass and goes out to fight crime. After getting his ass kicked all over YouTube, what he does is inspire other people to do the same, well not get beat up, but to throw on a costume and fight crime . Every action has a reaction because the towns head mob boss doesn't like the fact that there are so called superheroes out there making him look bad. Suddenly Dave's little fantasy world becomes bigger than him, and he quickly starts to realize that he's in way over his head. I expected Kick-Ass to be a fun and entertaining action flick, but what I didn't expect was such a well written story with great characters and serious conflict. Not only does Kick-Ass, well, kick ass, but it's a truly great movie and far surpasses any movie in its genre. Forget Spiderman, X-men, Batman, even Ironman, Kick-Ass has set a standard for what hero movies should be, and has raised the bar high, like astronomical. It's so good because it's relate-able, especially for a comic book fan such as myself. Even though the aforementioned characters have films that are pretty entertaining, none of them can really be related to, I love superheroes, but I have always felt kind of a disconnect to the characters simply because non of that was possible in real life. Kick-Ass on the other hand had real people with no powers, just the tenacity to get out there and help others for the greater good. The story progression and character interaction felt very natural and realistic, and it's because of this that when these peoples lives were in danger, you felt it on a primal level and not just as a bystander. I can't finish this review without mentioning Chloe Grace Moretz who plays Hit Girl. She owns this movie. This little girl is the highlight of the film, watching this 11 year old kick so much ass was so inspiring. Hit Girl is a character that will no doubt be controversial, but makes the movie in every way. People will say that having a little girl put in such dangerous situations, and killing people in such violent ways was irresponsible of the filmmakers, but I look at it this way, I could see if this little girl was vulnerable and the situations she found herself in caused her to be afraid or in over her head, then yeah the naysayers would be right. But Hit Girl was not vulnerable in any way, shape, or form, in fact she made grown men with guns cower in fear, my girlfriend said seeing that was empowering to her as a women, to see this little girl handle her own in the face of death, it made her feel like if Hit Girl could handle herself so well, then so can she. I think that says it all. After seeing it only once Kick-Ass is one of my favorite films of all time, its just a nonstop, roller coaster ride. This movie is made of pure adrenaline, and even as I'm writing this review, I'm still feeling the rush.

5 out of 5

Agree of Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie, or if you follow me on twitter or face book let me know there.

one luv, Toinne.

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