Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Day the Earth Stood Still

Is The Day the Earth Stood Still better than the original? No. Having said that it's not a bad movie. Jennifer Connelly plays an astrobiologist who is suddenly taken away by the government because they need her help to solve a global crisis. When she gets to the facility she finds out that an object is speeding towards Earth and there is little time before it crash lands. What they didn't realize was the object was a spaceship that carried an alien on a mission named Klatu played by Keanu Reeves. Earth is a simple yet affective film, it didn't blow me away, but it in no way bored me. The best thing about Earth is it knows what it is, a forgettable popcorn movie, and it doesn't really try to be anything more than that. So if your interested in this one certainly check it out, just don't expect it to change your life.

3 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Fake Thundercats Movie Trailer

This fake trailer is so well edited that I actually kinda wish it was real.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

It seems that I wrote my best of the year thing just a little too soon. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt as the title character is about a guy who was born as an old man, but throughout his life he grows younger. For example when he's 7 years old he looks and feels like his life is almost over. He needs a cane to walk, his bones are brittle and his hair is grey. When he's 70 he looks like his life is about to start he can stand on his own two feet, his skin is smooth and clear and he has a full head of blond hair. Watching the trailers I knew that this "hook" for the film was going to be cool to watch, but once you get into the film it's not a hook, it's just the character. Benjamin Button is a beautiful film, it is a rare film that is out of the ordinary and unparalleled with anything I've ever seen before. I haven't seen a film this good since Titanic. It's just so unique, and not because of the growing younger thing, but it just sweeps you into Benjamin's world and takes us along on his journey through life. As mentioned before the film stars Brad Pitt and he is just as good as ever in this film, with the stuff he's been doing recently he is really starting to shine as an actor and his gripping performance as Benjamin Button may be one of his best. He played the role with such respect for the material that I can't imagine anyone else playing Button, not even Johnny Depp who usually would take on a film with this type of material. The film also stars Cate Blanchett who's performance may be overlooked come award season but is just as striking as Pitt's. Taraji P. Henson who is always delightful has a supporting role, she is the woman who finds Benjamin on her steps as a baby and raised him as her own, her appearances in the film really grounds it in reality, she brings something that makes this fantasy of a story feel is if this was something that could really happen. Another person I would like to mention who had a very small part, but who's character really effected me and the film overall is Tilda Swinton, better known as The White Witch in Narnia. Her performance though small sort of brings the film together near the end. The overall themes of the film dealing with life, death, and getting older were very profound and thoughtful it's a film that really sticks with you long after it's over, even now as I'm writing this review it still has an effect on me. So with all that said The Curious Case of Benjamin is without a doubt the best film of 2008. I know wrote a list a few days ago saying otherwise, but as I stated in that post I had yet to see this film when I wrote it, so next year I think I'll wait until the year is actually over before I write a post like that. So back to the movie Ben Button is not a film that you want to miss out on if you call yourself a movie lover. It is an incredible film with great imagination, whimsical humor, a marvelous story, superb acting, and brilliant directing. What a movie.

5 out of 5

Agree of Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Retrospective and A Look Ahead

There were some incredible films released in 2008, and some stinkers as well. I'm going to take a look back at some of the best and worst films to came out this year, and after that I'll let you know what I'm looking forward to next year.

5 Worst Films of 2008

5. Hancock

Hancock had a lot of promise, the idea of a superhero that nobody likes was very interesting and original. Unfortunate this film forgot that it was a pretty good movie halfway through, and turned into a really bad movie.

4. Twilight

Twilight would have been a decent movie if there weren't any vampires. I was kind of into it until they introduced the vampire part of the story, and when vampires are in a movie that movie is supposed to be bloody and awesome, or at the very least have some decent action sequences. It's not supposed to be sappy and feel like an episode of 90210.

3. Untraceable

For me this was the most disappointing film of the year. Diane Lane was the reason I wanted to see this movie, she's great and as always she turned out a good performance, and that's where the good things about this movie stops. If it wasn't for Lane I would have walked out on this movie, it's that bad. It just tries to hard to get a point across about Internet culture, and fails miserably.

2. Jumper

What happen here? This movie was supposed to be awesome, look at the poster, see the movies from the director; those movies were awesome. I honestly cant fault the director for this failure, if that honor would go to anyone it would have to go to Hayden Christensen. This guy took a really good concept for what should have been one of the years best action movies and ruined it with his terrible acting. If there's any type of film where I can forgive bad acting it's an action film, but when and an actor is so bad that you cant even look past it enough to enjoy the action, that's just sad.

1. The Happening

Plants aren't scary. Nuff said.

5 Best Films of 2008

5. Funny Games

Don't be fooled by the title there is nothing funny about Funny Games. In fact this is the most disturbing film I've ever seen. Funny Games is sick, twisted, and brilliant. It is the only movie I've ever seen that TRULY challenges the audience. The two guys you see there take a family of three hostage and make a bet, which is, the two guys bet the family will be dead by morning, and the family bet they wont. These terms are never agreed by the family, but they didn't really have a choice. Now we've all seen films like this where people are trapped in a house and have to fight to survive, and we love these films, but the film asks us why, literally. There is a moment in the film where our villain addresses us and ask us why do we like seeing peoples lives in danger, why do we enjoy watching them get tortured? From that moment on the film continues to challenge you getting more and more disturbing by the minute until there is a breaking point and I REALLY asked myself why am I watching this, and that is why this film is so brilliant. It really makes you think about those Saw and Hostel films and why that's exciting to watch. I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone that cant handle heavy material, but if you want to be challenged by a film unlike any film you've ever seen before see Funny Games. Warning this is not for the weak hearted.

4. Definitely, Maybe

Definitely, Maybe is the most original romantic comedy I've ever seen, well It's more like an anti-romantic comedy mystery. Let me explain, a little girl (the adorable Abigail Breslin) comes home from school one night after her first sex ed lesson, and as kids do, she has questions, a lot of questions. The conversation she has with her father eventually leads to the question of how her parents, who are in the middle of a divorce, met. Instead of just telling her straight out, he will include all three women in his life that he knew around the time they met, and she (we) are going to have to figure out which one is her mom. The twist and turns in this guy meets girl, meets girl, meets girl love story will keep you guessing until the very moment we find out who her mom is, and just when you think you have it, you will be wrong every time, and that's what makes this film so great. It's a different way to watch a romantic comedy, instead of guy meets girl, and we all know by the end of the movie they are going to end up together so what's the point of all this drama (don't get me wrong, some movies can use this formula very well) we get a love story that engages us and keeps us interested and guessing, and you really don't know who he's going to end up with in the end. And just like every mystery when you see the outcome you say to yourself "I should have figured that out."

3. Seven Pounds

Besides Ali, this might be Will Smith's best film yet, and yes I'm including The Pursuit of Happyness. It is such a subtly powerful film that it kind of sneaks up on you. It's just one of those films that is so captivating that you lose track of time. Like I wrote in my review for this film I'm not sure how to explain the story without giving away the ending, but just check out my review and you'll see how much I like this film.

2. Wall-E

Pixar has truly outdone themselves this time, just when I think to myself there's no way they can top that, they do, every year. Wall-E is no exception. Wall-E is not only the best animated film I have ever seen, it's one of the best films I've ever seen period. The ideas and messages in Wall-E are so far beyond anything you would expect from an animated film that it almost takes you off guard a bit. If you are the type of person that says "I don't like kiddie movies." Do yourself a favor and don't miss out on Wall-E. Wall-E isn't a "kiddie" movie in fact some of the themes in the film go way over a kids head, this is simply a Sci-Fi movie that's family friendly like the original Star Wars trilogy, if you go by the ratings on those films those are "kiddie" movies too. Don't put off Wall-E because it's animated, you will be doing yourself a great disservice and missing out on one of the best films released this year.

1. The Dark Knight

"Why so serious?" Was there any question as to what was going to be numero uno on this list? It's really a no brainer. The Dark Knight was the strongest film to come out this year, with an great story, intense action, and brilliant performances The Dark Knight is the best film I've seen not just in 08', but in a few years, maybe since LOTR: The Return of the King. I hate to keep saying what you have been hearing all year long since the movie came out, but it's just simply true, Heath Ledger was PHENOMENAL. Really if you haven't seen this movie by now you are missing out on one of the greatest films ever made.

Notable Mention:

I wrote this list before this movie was released so I have yet to see it. The trailers for this film seem like this could be a serious Oscar contender, and it looks like a fantastic film. I'll have a review up as soon as I get a chance to see it.

Here are some films that I am looking forward to for 2009, be sure to google them for more info.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Terminator: Salvation


I Love You, Man

Monsters vs. Aliens

G. I. Joe: Rise of Cobra

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Fast & Furious

Star Trek


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Funny People

James Cameron's Avatar

 Are there any movies that you would have liked to see on either of the lists? What are some of the films you're looking forward to in 2009?

one luv, Toinne

Monday, December 22, 2008

Seven Pounds

When I saw the trailer for this film I thought to myself that it looks like a good film, but the trailer wasn't very clear as to what the film was about. Then I went to see the movie and realized that was the point because the film itself isn't very clear as to what it is about, until about the last twenty minutes of the film. If you are not the type of person that can watch a film and put the pieces together for yourself then you may not enjoy Seven Pounds, I heard some audience complaints, as they were walking out of the theater, wondering what they just saw. I on the other hand got it, and Seven Pounds is a beautifully crafted film. It's one of those films that just captures you until you lose track of time. I cant figure out a way to explain the story without spoiling everything, but if you've seen the trailer than you get the idea. Keep in mind to make a trip to the bathroom before going into the theater, because a trip to the bathroom during the film could leave you completely confused when the characters motives are revealed. It's a rare film that leaves absolutely no plot holes, everything that happens in the film, everything that we see and hear all comes together in the end to tie every lose end and answer every question you asked yourself about the film, even down to the most seemingly meaningless detail. Will Smith turns out a powerful yet subtle performance and the beautiful Rosario Dawson gives what may be her best performance yet and their on-screen chemistry is perfect. That's what I like about Smith he can do a terrible film like Hancock and turn around and do an amazing film like Seven Pounds.

5 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Blast from the Past: The Day the Earth Stood Still

Since the remake of this classic sci-fi film comes out this weekend I decided to check out the original before I went to see the remake. I had never seen it before, and now was as good a time as any, and there is no wonder this movie is a classic. The characters are very engaging, the story is quite original, and the overall message of the film was very profound. It starts out one day a spaceship lands on earth, a man (or what looks like a man) exits the spaceship named Klatu along with his robot Gort. This thing should have landed anywhere but America because the first thing we wanted to do was kill the guy, before he could hand one of the generals a peace offering he was shot. As soon as he was shot Gort responded promptly and this thing was DEADLY, Klatu got Gort under control and was taken to a hospital. From there he says he has a message for the people of Earth and would not tell just one person, because it was too important. He wanted to address every leader of every nation, which was a huge problem seeing as The Cold War was happening at the time. The Day the Earth Stood Still was a very well done film and far surpassed my expectations, the performances, the writing, even the special effects although outdated didn't get in the way of me enjoying the film like most older films tend to do. If you plan to see or have already seen the newer version of this film. I recommend you check this one out as well because you wont be disappointed. If a movie that is more than 60 years old can still feel as fresh as it did then that's saying something for how well it was made. If you have netflix it's available on the instant viewing feature, that's how I saw it, otherwise I'm sure you can find it in a bargain bin. There is a reason why they call this film a classic.

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie?

one luv, Toinne

Thursday, December 11, 2008

This Has Nothing To Do With Movies But...

Videogum did a retrospective of the most popular viral vidoes of 2008, this is comprehensive but in no way complete, because that would be exhausting. So there were plenty of great videos out there that didn't make it into this montage. But even withoutDrunk History or the Zach Galafianakis Absolut Vodka Ads, without Baby PreacherLil' Bill O'Reilly, or the kids rapping about the election to T.I.'s "Whatever You Like," and probably a dozen other honorable mentions, I feel confident that you will still find this to be a captivating, thorough, and most of all HEARTBREAKING tribute to this year in internet.

Top that, 2009. Top THAT!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Came Early! New Watchman Trailer!!

Watchmen is the BEST graphic novel I have ever read, and if that's not enough, it has been name in Time magazine as one of the Greatest 100 Novels of All Time. March can't get here any sooner.

So...This Looks Awesome

Terminator: Salvation trailer

Sukiyaki Western Django

How's this for original? Take a spaghetti western, and place it in Japan, and add the element of the cowboys carrying not only guns, but swords and crossbows as well. Now you no longer have a spaghetti western, but a sukiyaki western. The story is classic western stuff too, a town gets over run by two rival gangs, a lone gunman without a name comes into town and shakes things up, the presence of a legendary gunslinger remains unseen until things get messy, violence ensues, hero rides off into the sunset. It has all the elements of classic westerns, but the fact that it's set in Japan makes you feel like you've never seen it before. To help give you a better idea, the background looks like a Samurai movie, but the actors are clearly dressed as cowboys, but whats more amazing about the whole thing is it just fits. Nothing seems out of place or takes you out of the movie when everything about it should. This goes to the credit of the direction of Japan's most controversial director Takeshi Miike. The fast-paced action is well staged on a set that borrows from both western and samurai traditions; Miike mixes both good old gunplay and martial arts swordplay, which intermingle cohesively until the last fight is over. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Miike’s western is his decision to use a Japanese cast to speak English, it’s a peculiar choice that at first feels like a novelty, only to fade into the film’s absorbing environment. Sukiyaki Western Django feels very much like a genuine western, and with it Miike demonstrates his mastery of working a genre film until it becomes a creation of his very own.

3 out of 5

Agree of Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight is finally on DVD, and as soon as I got a chance today I went and picked it up. Not only was this movie the best of the summer, but the best I've seen all year so far. The Dark Knight is a flawless film. The only movie that I have ever seen that is better than The Dark Knight is The Godfather Part II. Even if you know nothing about batman you don't have to, that is another thing that makes this film so great, my mom was only interested in this film because she had heard how great Heath Legder was and wanted to see for herself. She feared that not really knowing enough about batman was going to get in the way of her experience, but she understood everything and was just as blown away as I was by it. Speaking of Legder, I have never seen a better performance in a film in my entire life, ever, and I'm pretty sure it is going to be a very long time before anyone can top this performance. He went all out for this role, it is the only time ever while I was watching a film and completely forget who the actor was that was playing the role. Heath Ledger didn't just play the joker in this movie he WAS the joker. I realize the Jack Nicholson played the same role in a earlier batman film, and as good as he was Heath Ledgers joker makes Jack Nicholson's version look like a badly drawn cartoon. Back to what I saying the reason, the reason why anyone like my mom can enjoy The Dark Knight is because it is approached more like a crime drama than a superhero movie, if you took batman and the joker out of the film you would have a movie more like The Departed. So if you've heard about how amazing this film is (and I'm sure you have) but feared the same thing my mom did you really don't have to worry about catching up, just go buy it already because you are missing out on literally one of the greatest films ever made, and if you've seen Batman Begins but haven't seen The Dark Knight yet, just give on movies because you have FAILED. Maybe that was a little harsh, now that it is on DVD you can redeem yourself. Seriously, why are you still reading this? Go buy the movie.

5 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Twilight: The Puppet Saga

If you read my review for Twilight you would know that I pretty much hated it, but I found this online and thought this video was so very perfect. If you haven't seen Twilight you might not get everything, but watching this will save from the torture of having to sit through it.

This Christmas

I love family films like This Christmas. Coming from a big family myself I could always relate to them, family films just have a soft spot in my heart. This Christmas has two good thing going for it, it's a family film, and it's obviously a Christmas movie. I'm kinda tired so I'm going to keep this one short. If you've seen any family film then you know the formula, family gathers, drama happens, issues resolve. Even though nearly every family film uses the same formula it somehow always seems to work, and This Christmas is no exception. It's a very entertaining Christmas movie and this time of year who doesn't want to curl up on the couch and enjoy a good Christmas movie. Put this movie in your queue and get yourself in the mood for the holidays. Oh yeah Chris Brown needs acting classes, but it doesn't ruin the movie, and Lauren London is looking as gorgeous as ever. Okay now I'm going to bed.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who

FINALLY FINALLY someone has made a good Dr. Seuss movie!!! Grinches have messed up recent live-action adaptations beyond repair: I do not like The Cat in the Hat, I do not like it, fancy that. But this exuberant translation of the 1954 classic is true to the Seuss vision, with a contemporary integrity that makes full use of CG power without sacrificing the delicacy of the author’s springy, zingy illustrations. Certainly the excesses of the live-action Cat and How the Grinch Stole Christmas movies can’t eclipse the durable genius of the good Doctor, who, in Horton, has created one of literature’s great pachyderm role models. One day ’’in the Jungle of Nool,’’ as anyone who was ever an American child may remember, the title elephant hears the tiniest squeak coming from the smallest speck floating through the air, and discerns an entire universe in a dust mote. It’s the residents of Who-ville he alone hears — city folks in a vulnerable universe teensy enough for Horton to carry on the head of a clover flower. And so, even though he can’t see them, Horton tenderly carries the Whos to safety, despite outlandish obstacles in a jungle of naysayers, led by a bullying bossypouch of a kangaroo. His explanation, ’’A person’s a person, no matter how small,’’ is a verity right up there with ’’give peace a chance.’’ The actors who lend their voices to the film aren’t people we generally think of as working ’’small’’, comic powerhouses Jim Carrey (as Horton), Steve Carell (as the Mayor), and Carol Burnett (as the sour Kangaroo) temper their own full-throttle performances with an unironic respect for the original text. The movie’s visual pep complements the nonconformist glee of Seuss’ line drawings. And when the entire population of Who-ville clangs and chimes to announce ’’We are here!’’ loud enough to be heard beyond their city limits, the noise is downright joyous. This is a film for kids of all ages, and quite possibly the best animated film i’ve seen since the first Shrek. I loved every minute of it, if only the creative team behind this movie could have did the first two Dr. Seuss movies, they wouldn’t have sucked so hard. FINALLY someone has made a good Dr. Seuss movie. I HIGHLY recommend Horton Hears a Who, its so good that when it was over the audience in the theater actually applauded and cheered. How often does that happen?

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.
one luv, Toinne

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

When Kung Fu Panda came out last summer I was hesitant to see it, for some reason the trailers didn't excite me. So now that It's on DVD I got a chance to check it out. The story is simple really, an evil kung fu master escapes from a prison and in order to stop him a dragon warrior must be chosen. Only wanting to see who is going to be chosen out of five kung fu masters Po a flabby panda accidentally falls into the arena and is chosen. No one not even Po believes he is the dragon warrior, but he trains and ends up fighting the evil kung fu master. Okay now that's out of the way here's what I thought, Kung Fu Panda was really entertaining. It had a real respect for older kung fu flicks, some of the story elements and lessons learned even mirror those movies. The fact that it has such a respect for kung fu movies in my book made this a serious kung fu movie, but one the whole family can enjoy. I know you might be thinking how can a kid's movie be a serious kung fu movie? Here's some reasons,  one the bad guy is actually threatening, I was quite surprised how much of a legitimate threat this guy was, he was pretty bad ass for an animated movie bad guy. Two the fight sequences were amazing, the fight scenes in Kung Fu Panda were really solid, and held my attention in suspense the way any other movie would, in fact I almost forgot I was watching and animated movie, that's how good the fight sequences were. Three and last, like I said earlier the themes of the film mirrored classic kung fu movies, which said to me that Dreamworks wasn't just making some kiddie kung fu movie, they were making a movie for kung fu movie fans that kids can also enjoy. Kung Fu Panda was a movie that took me of guard and really impressed me, I really had no idea it was going to be this good. Let Kung Fu Panda kick around in you DVD player as soon as possible.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Top 10 Action Franchises of All Time

Action movies. Well all love them. The best thing about action movies is they take us away for a few hours, they're the kind of movies that you don't really have to use your brain to watch. Some action movies are so good that we want more of them, and then the sequel was born. Before The Empire Strikes Back the sequel was something Hollywood just didn't do with the exception of The Godfather, then they found out that when we love characters we'll watch basically the same movie over again with a few changes. Sequels started popping up all over the place, and sequels to the sequels until we had franchises. Over the years there have been some really good action franchises, some have stood the test of time, and some have just been introduced. These are some of the ones that I have found to be the most entertaining action franchises out there. I'm basing my choices on the franchises as a whole, not just a franchise with just one good movie out of three or four. So unfortunately I couldn't include the Alien franchise and I really wanted to because I love Aliens, sadly Robocop wont be here either just because the third movie was so bad I couldn't bring myself to put it on this list. So without further ado here's what I think are the 10 best action franchises of all time.

10. Pirates of the Caribbean

The Pirates movies are just fun to watch, granted they are a little confusing, but when a movie is this much fun I just don't seem to care. Johnny Depp has created one of the coolest characters ever in Jack Sparrow, who is essentially Keith Richards dressed like a pirate, yet he does it so well that I couldn't fathom anyone else doing Capt. Jack. Johnny Depp isn't the only good thing about the pirates movies, the action is incredible ( I guess that's why it's on this list) with all the sword fights and acrobatics this movie is cake for your eyes, and ears, it's one of the few action franchises were the music is instantly recognizable anywhere you go. I love watching these movies, confusing story lines and all. Just leave your brain at the door and enjoy them for what they are, fun popcorn flicks.

9. Mission: Impossible

This franchise found a fresh audience with the 1996 film adaptation of the popular 1960's television series. My mom wanted to see it because she used to love the show, I wanted to see it because it looked like a cool movie. Fans of the show or new to the franchise Mission: Impossible was a satisfying film. That scene where Tom Cruise repels down into the computer room became so iconic that it might be one of the most memorable scenes in film history, but this franchise almost wasn't a franchise at all. It took four years for the sequel to come out, and another six years for third the come out. Even though these films were spread out over the years the differences in when they came out was actually a good for the franchise as a whole. The films kept getting better because techniques in film making were getting better, so it turned out that each one is a staple of how good action movies were made in the times that they were released.

8. Lethal Weapon

Riggs and Murtaugh. Has there ever been a better buddy movie duo than these two? I really don't think so, the on screen chemistry between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover is really the best thing about the Lethal Weapon movies. Well then there is the action of course. This might be the first franchise that turned going to see action movies into the big budget events they are today. It also might be one of the first to truly cement the sequel approach in the Hollywood mindset. One thing I always loved about the Lethal Weapon movies is the character moments, it's rare that an action movie will actually take a break from the action and even the story and let us get to know the characters, and Lethal Weapon did it better than all of them. If an action movie goes of tangent for even a moment it quickly becomes boring, but somehow the Lethal Weapon movies had many of these moments where nothing is really happening and it still manages to keep our interest. That is a true testament to the talent of these actors and why I can watch these movies over and over again.

7. Star Wars

Star Wars is the biggest franchise ever. I love the Star Wars universe, I think it is the most interesting universe on film. So why isn't it higher on the list? I think we all know the answer to that, the Prequels, a word we have never heard before they came out. I'm not saying I didn't like the prequels, they had some really good action sequences, but that's about it with the exception of Revenge of the Sith. Had the original trilogy only existed then there is no doubt that Star Wars would be higher up on the list. I can forgive George Lucas for the Ewoks, but I cant forgive him for Jar-Jar Binks and a whiny emo Darth Vader. Like I said I love the universe of Star Wars, and the prequels are starting to redeem themselves with that new cartoon network show The Clone Wars. I still just wish Lucas would have left this one alone.

6. Indiana Jones

Yet another George Lucas franchise that would be higher on the list if he would have just left it alone. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull got a lot of negative feedback. I'll agree that it had it's flaws, but I didn't hate it, the movie did have some pretty entertaining moments. But this isn't about Crystal Skull, this is about the Indiana Jones series, and the Indiana Jones series is fantastic, nuked fridge and all. These are some of the most fun movies to watch ever, Harrison Ford's swagger is just impressive, this is the role that made him an icon. The old Indy movies were like the coolest movies when I was growing up I could watch them so many times and never grow tired of them, even to this day. But seriously wtf was with the nuked fridge?

5. Die Hard

John Mclane, is there a better action hero? If this was a top ten action heroes list guess who would be number one. The Die Hard series is great simply because Bruce Willis makes John Mclane seem like the biggest bad ass on the planet earth. He's unstoppable, and he's creative when it comes to blowing things up. How Mclane survives the things that are thrown at him is beyond me, anyone else wouldn't have even made it out of that building alive, but somehow Mclane did. Whats really cool about the Die Hard movies is that even John Mclane is surprised by what he just did, he thinks what just happened was really cool the same way we do. It's almost like Bruce Willis is acknowledging the audience, saying "Was that cool or what?". The best thing about it all is that this unstoppable killing machine is really just a regular guy. Yippie Ki Yay.

4. The Lord of the Rings

This is more than just an action franchise, it is an epic adventure. These movies are what epic movies should be. Featuring some of the best and most epic battles in film history, I'm not sure if The Lord of the Rings battles can ever be topped as far as action movies go, not even by Peter Jackson himself. Granted these movies can be long and watching the entire series back to back after a while can start feel like a chore, but there is a reason why you stick with it, because know that right around the corner is one of the best battles you've ever seen. I can literally watch those battles over and over again always notice something I hadn't before. And has there ever been a more satisfying end to a trilogy then The Return of the King? I'll just go ahead and answer that for you, no, no there hasn't been. This is truly the most epic action franchise ever.

3. Terminator

The Terminator franchise is hardcore. There is nothing more awesome than seeing two machines go at it, there's something about the sound effects in those fight scenes that really make you feel every hit. They also know that the other machine is invulnerable so they really try to do the most damage that they can to each other, I just love those fight scenes. It's not just the fight scenes that make the Terminator movies great, it's also the car chase sequences. Those chase scenes are the most heart-pounding chases ever. What also make these movies great is that the odds are incredibly against our heroes, and when the stakes are that high it always makes for an intense movie night. Yet no matter how high the odds are stacked against them, our heroes always come out on top making it that much more satisfying. The television series also isn't that bad, actually I think it's pretty entertaining, and with Terminator: Salvation coming out next year this franchise isn't slowing down anytime soon.

2. The Matrix

Say what you will about these movies but you can't deny that The Matrix is a kick ass franchise. The first Matrix movie is loved by all, but some people said the other two weren't that good. I always wondered why they said this, and if they were watching the same movies I was. I have seen The Matrix movies so many times that I've stopped counting. The fight scenes are some of the most elaborate and beautifully choreographed to ever grace Hollywood. The Matrix films are a bit of a mixed bag. There's fight scenes, car chases, gun fights, ship chases, even a mech vs robot battle royale. It's an action fans dream, an action trail mix if you will, but not only are these movies action packed, they are really cool. This maybe the coolest action franchise ever, the look, the feel, the costumes, the setting, the story, the characters, everything about these movies are just simply cool. To those who think The Matrix went downhill after the first one, I'm not quite sure what you were expecting from the rest of the series. Anyway I think The Matrix is the coolest action franchise to ever come along.

1. The Bourne Trilogy

The Bourne Trilogy is without a doubt the most exciting, most intense, most fast paced, most gritty, most hard hitting, most relentless, most consistent action franchise I've ever seen. Every Bourne movie has consistently gotten better than the previous which is rare even for some of the best action franchises. Jason Bourne is the deadliest and most efficient action hero to ever come across the silver screen. To be honest before the first one came out, I had little to no faith in Matt Damon playing an action hero, but by the time it was over I was convinced. I can't get enough of The Bourne Trilogy. Just last week I took a day and watched the entire trilogy back to back, which I had never done before, and it just hit me that there might not be a better action franchise than the Bourne movies. It might even be what gave the the idea for this post. I just can't say enough about the Bourne movies It is in my opinion without a doubt whatsoever the best action franchise of all time.

Honorable Mention: 24

I love 24. I think it's one of the best shows on television, and I really wanted to stick to movies here, but I seriously considered putting 24 on the list just because it's such a great show.

Agree or Disagree? Is anything on the list that you think should be higher or lower? Did I forget one of your favorite action franchises? Let me know in the comments.

one luv, Toinne

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Right off the bat Wanted is a kick-ass movie. It's been a while since I'd seen a movie with complete disregard for reality, in fact the last time I think it was The Matrix. Remember how when the first time you saw The Matrix you were completely blown away and couldn't believe what you were seeing. Wanted had the exact same effect on me, it was such an exciting film that you don't really care if none if it is even possible you just want to see what is going to happen next. The story goes as follows, this compete and total loser named Wesley Gibson has to be one of the most pathetic characters in a film ever. Just to put it in perspective without giving to much away, the guy ends up buying condoms for his best friend who intends to use them to have sex with his girlfriend, and he knows it, but it much of a punk to do anything about it. Wesley's gets a complete 180 when out of nowhere a woman shows up with a gun and keeps him from being assassinated. This woman of course is the gorgeous Angelina Jolie, who is so hot in this movie she melts the screen. Wesley soon finds out that his father was part of a group of super-assassins who kill to shape the future of the world. Think of it as these were the guys who REALLY killed Hitler then you got the idea. Wes then learns that his father was the best in the group of these super-assassins, but he was killed and they needed his help to find his killer. At this point I was thinking yeah right, this scrawny punk is going to help them, when he cant even stand up to his boss. Well learning all of this changes Wes and his transformation from bitch to bad ass is so satisfying simply because we was such a pathetic guy. I'm not going to spoil everything, but Wanted is just one of those rare action movies that comes along and is so fun to watch that you think to yourself nothing will ever top this. Also starring Morgan Freeman this is a movie you cannot miss, and since it's on DVD now you really have no excuse.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne


When you read magazines and movie sites that say a certain movie is one of the most anticipated of the Fall, you would think that this film would be pretty decent with so much anticipation. Honestly I had never even heard of this movie until about two or three weeks before it came out, my idea of a movie with so much anticipation is something you wait nearly a year for, like with me and The Dark Knight or the upcoming Watchmen, not something you heard about a few weeks ago, so I'm not really sure who was anticipating this movie, maybe the tween market. Anyway, what is Twilight about? It's about this teenage girl who moves into a new town, and ends up fitting in pretty nicely, but there is this one guy who just wont talk to her, until he somehow saves her from being crushed by a van. How he was able to stop the van bothered her and she needed to know, 20 minutes later we find out he's a vampire. At this point things should be getting interesting, but then the movie truly shows who it's target demographic is, the 90210 crowd. It's like a really long episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, expect if that show wasn't brilliant and was written by the Gossip Girl team of writers. This is one of the least interesting vampire films I've ever seen. Warning to any one who is reading this that thinks vampires films are awesome such as myself, this is not From Dusk til' Dawn, this is not 30 Days of Night, this is not John Carpenter's Vampires. This is a really bad love story for teens that might have been interesting if vampires weren't involved. When you put vampires in a movie, you really have a lot to live up to, such as the awesome movies i mentioned earlier and countless others, even that new HBO series True Blood, which is quite impressive. So to sum it up here, if you a 13-15 year old girl you are going to absolutely love this movie, otherwise this movie is not for you. You've been warned.

1 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Monday, December 1, 2008

Empire's 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time

I just noticed that Empire has released their list of the 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time. I’m not going to reprint the entire list, but here are the top 25:

1. Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
2. Darth Vader (Star Wars trilogy)
3. The Joker (The Dark Knight)
4. Han Solo (Star Wars trilogy)
5. Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)
6. Indiana Jones
7. The Dude (The Big Lebowski)
8. Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Carribean Trilogy)
9. Ellen Ripley (Alien Quadrology)
10. Vito Corleone (The Godfather)
11. James Bond
12. John McClane (Die Hard)
13. Gollum (The Lord of the Rings)
14. The Terminator
15. Ferris Bueller (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)
16. Neo (The Matrix trilogy)
17. Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
18. Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver)
19. Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction)
20. Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump)
21. Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
22. Ellis “Red” Redding (The Shawshank Redemption)
23. Harry Callahan (Dirty Harry)
24. Ash (Evil Dead)
25. Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

You can head on over to Empire for the other 75. I love Fight Club but — Tyler Durdan over Darth Vader? C’mon. There is a lot to disagree with, so lets have at it.

Discuss: Who shouldn’t be on this list? Who deserves to be higher? Who doesn’t deserve to be as high as they are?

one luv, Toinne

The 8 Things I'm Sick of Seeing in Movies

Cliches… Formulas… whatever terminology you like to call them by, there are certain repeated patterns in films that we've all seen a thousands times. Some of those Formulas are fine. For example, the mom who loves her kids… that's not a stretch and we expect it in normal life, so we expect no less in a movie. However, there are other formulas in films that would have you and I believe they are the norm in real life… when they really aren't. These can be fine too and not irritate us… but then there are these cliches that I really get sick off and wish more films would avoid.

So now I present to you, in no particular order, the 8 things I'm sick of seeing in movies:

1 - The current boyfriend/husband of the main character's would be love interest is a total jerk

THE CLICHE: You know what I'm talking about. The "hero" of the film loves a girl, but the girl has a boyfriend. Already you know there is a 97% chance that this boyfriend will end up being a total dick. He yells at her, demeans her, doesn't respect her. You can't imagine why on earth she's with him in the first place… but whatever the reason it doesn't matter, because you know she's going to end up with the hero in the end anyway when she finally sees the jerk in question for what he is, and leaves him for the hero.

THE REALITY: Yeah, that girl you dig… well her boyfriend 9 times out of 10 is better looking, funnier, smarter, richer and all round a better person that you… loser.

2 - If a fight breaks out in a bar/restaurnt, EVERYONE will jump in

THE CLICHE: Almost without exception, if two people start fighting in a bar or restaurant in a movie, everyone else will join in. Hell, they'll start swinging at each other for no good reason other than the fact that a couple of other guys seem to be doing. Chalk it up to bar peer pressure I guess.

THE REALITY: I've seen my fair share of fights break out at clubs/bars. Not once have I ever seen it get beyond a couple of people before the bouncers end up kicking their drunk asses than throwing them the hell out

3 - No spunk after the hump

THE CLICHE: Ok, I don't mean to sound vulgar or anything but we've all seen this a hundred times in movies and we all collectively say under our breath "yeah right". A couple at some sort of public function or fancy dinner quickly ducks behind a wall, or into another room for a quicky. They go at it practically fully clothed and when they're "done" they just take a couple of deep breaths, run their fingers through their hair and then return to join the other guests as if nothing happened.

THE REALITY: Sex makes a mess… I'll just leave it at that.

4 - Terrorists are always considerate enough to have large built in digital count down clocks in their explosives so the hero can know exactly how much time he/she has left


5 - Shot in the shoulder? No problem!

THE CLICHE: Usually in action flicks, the hero will take a bullet. But fortunately it didn't hit his face, or his heart. Usually it's the shoulder or leg or something like that. When this happens, the hero grimaces for a few moments, then the goes on fighting.

THE REALITY: Guess what. When you're shot in the leg, you don't walk anymore. You don't walk with a limp, or just slowed down… you don't walk PERIOD. Got shot in the shoulder? Yeah, you can't throw punches anymore. Every time you even think about breathing you scream like a little girl.

6 - Everyone everywhere knows Morse Code

7 - I know you're about to say something important, but let me interrupt you with unrelated information that will unwittingly douse what you were about to say

THE CLICHE: Son is out to dinner with his parents and has built up the courage to tell them that he's gay. He says "Mom, Dad… I want you to know I love you, and that's why I've decided to tell you this very important thing about myself and my life…" The dad suddenly cuts in "Before you go on Nick, have I told you how much I hate fags recently?" Son then changes topics and pretends like the news he was about to give was about a car or something else. This is also done with girl trying to tell boyfriend she's pregnant. Boy trying to tell girl pal he loves her. The combinations are endless.

THE REALITY: The human race are a bunch of inconsiderate animals… but generally I've always found when I say "I've got something important to say" and then start telling them what it is… no one has ever suddenly cut me off to mention something totally unrelated.

8 - Delayed information equals certain death

THE CLICHE: Two people are talking in a perfectly good spot when person "A" says to person "B": "I've got to tell you something that will alter the destiny of the human race". Person "B" is obviously intrigued and asks what this information is. Then, for NO GOOD REASON person "A" says something like: "Not here… meet me later at this other place". Sure enough, you know that person "A" will be killed before he can ever tell his secret.

THE REALITY: Someone says they know something important… then I'm getting them to tell me right then and there.

You may ask "Antoinne, why just 8 instead of 10″? Cause I'm breaking the cliche baby. :P

What are some of the ones that you're sick and tired of seeing?

one luv, Toinne


I saw Wall-E back when it was in theaters, and anyone who knows me knows I couldn't say enough about it. Now it's on DVD and Wall-E is a definate buy. There is no doubt in my mind that Wall-E is going to be nominated for and Oscar. Unfortunately I can't explain the story without giving it away, it's just one of those movie where the story is unconventional. I will say that this is the best animated film I have ever seen. Pixar has really outdone themselves this time. Pick up Wall-E, that's all I'm going to say.

one luv, Toinne

Blast from the Past: Radio Flyer

Radio Flyer is one of my favorite movies ever. Until last night its been a long time since I'd last seen it. If you haven't seen it, Radio Flyer is about a mother and her two sons who move to California in the late 60's. When they get there she meets a guy and falls in love they move in together yadda yadda yadda. Once he gets comfortable he unfortunately starts abusing the young brother. You might be asking yourself why a movie about child abuse is one of my favorite movies ever? It's not the child abuse, it's the love that the two brothers have for each other. When the older brother finds out whats going on the younger brother asks him, no he makes him promise not to tell their mother, "Because she's happy now Mike, you gotta promise." The older brother does promise, but he also tries to come up with ways to protect his brother. He eventually comes up with a plan to send his brother away, and there is a scene just before the younger brother is getting ready to leave, they hug say their goodbyes and the younger brother tells the older to take care of mom, *sniff sniff* it gets me every time. This is the only movie ever that actually makes me cry, and I've seen some tearjerkers that just couldn't do it. I just cant help myself, the love the brothers have for each other, and all the emotion in the film leading up to that moment makes me shed a few tears. I'm not going to score Radio Flyer simply because I just wanted to blog about one of my favorite movies, but if you haven't seen it I strongly recommend that you put it on your netflix, or go the your local video store, or even check the bargain bin at best buy, whatever the case may be see this movie. You will not be disappointed, you may even shed a tear or two.

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

Rescue Dawn

To be honest Rescue Dawn was a movie that I think I might have accidentally put in my Netflix queue, because when it came in the mail I was really confused and didn't know what it was, but you know me, I'm a movie guy, so I figured what the hell.  Now keep in mind I went into this movie having no idea what it was, and by the end of it I made up my mind to buy this movie and let me tell you why.  Rescue Dawn starring Christian Bale is the true story of a man named Deiter Deitrich who was shot down on a flight mission in 1965 during the Viet Nam war. Shortly after he was captured by Vietcong soldiers and taken to a prison camp.  Once he gets there he meets some other POWs and learns that they have been there for quite some time. After realizing no one is coming for them (which doesn't really take that long) he decides that he is going to run.  He with his follow POWs start to observe the guards and devise a plan. Slowly(but not too slowly) you see their plan come together.  The day comes and it actually works, i thought okay that was entertaining but wasn't astounded, but I thought the movie was about to finish, it wasn't it was just getting started. Once they escape the prison camp, and im really not spoiling anything, because when they are out and are into the thick of the jungle, and when I say jungle…good grief.  This is where the movie gets to a point where it is so good the it almost gets hypnotizing. I never saw a movie where you could tell that what you were seeing was REAL and you never second guess or think "did he really just do that" because it is happening right in front of your eyes. After it was over I went right to the special features just the see what kind of movie tricks they used to make it sooo impressive. Guess what they didn't use any.  Knowing that gave me a serious respect for this movie because these were actors and they REALLY put themselves in situations where….look I don't want to give it away but I loved this movie and I HIGHLY recommend it simply because you will never ever see a more realistic movie in your entire life, actors just don't do those things, you'll see what I mean.

5 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead

George A. Romero is the authority on zombie flicks; he invented the genre with the classic Night of the Living Dead. Diary of the Dead is the fifth installment of his Dead series, and 40 years since the original he hasn't lost his touch. Diary in a word is genius. It takes the same Cloverfield style of filmmaking (which is starting to become very popular) and puts a zombie twist on it. Some film students are shooting their thesis project when a zombie outbreak happens; the director of the thesis project decides to keep the camera rolling to document this terrifying event. Like Cloverfield the first person camera view puts you right into the action. Unlike Cloverfield the editing is more of a traditional style film because eventually the students find another camera so the editing goes back and forth between the two cameras giving you two different perspectives of the same scene without breaking the first person style, and it is well done. George A. Romero is one of the greatest horror directors of all time, he knows how to make you jump out of your seat, and he keeps reinventing his own genre raising the bar for everyone else. Another thing I really liked about this movie was how creatively the zombies were killed, buy now everyone knows puncture the brain they go down, so what this film did was come up with some of the most creative ways to make this happen, each kill more creative then the next, it was a nice break from the standard shoot em' in the head thing. This movie was so impressive and this new style of filmmaking is so fresh and exciting that I cant wait to see what other great directors come up with to take advantage of it. No one does zombie better than Mr. Romero and Diary of the Dead is another one of his classics.

4 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne