Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Retrospective and A Look Ahead

There were some incredible films released in 2008, and some stinkers as well. I'm going to take a look back at some of the best and worst films to came out this year, and after that I'll let you know what I'm looking forward to next year.

5 Worst Films of 2008

5. Hancock

Hancock had a lot of promise, the idea of a superhero that nobody likes was very interesting and original. Unfortunate this film forgot that it was a pretty good movie halfway through, and turned into a really bad movie.

4. Twilight

Twilight would have been a decent movie if there weren't any vampires. I was kind of into it until they introduced the vampire part of the story, and when vampires are in a movie that movie is supposed to be bloody and awesome, or at the very least have some decent action sequences. It's not supposed to be sappy and feel like an episode of 90210.

3. Untraceable

For me this was the most disappointing film of the year. Diane Lane was the reason I wanted to see this movie, she's great and as always she turned out a good performance, and that's where the good things about this movie stops. If it wasn't for Lane I would have walked out on this movie, it's that bad. It just tries to hard to get a point across about Internet culture, and fails miserably.

2. Jumper

What happen here? This movie was supposed to be awesome, look at the poster, see the movies from the director; those movies were awesome. I honestly cant fault the director for this failure, if that honor would go to anyone it would have to go to Hayden Christensen. This guy took a really good concept for what should have been one of the years best action movies and ruined it with his terrible acting. If there's any type of film where I can forgive bad acting it's an action film, but when and an actor is so bad that you cant even look past it enough to enjoy the action, that's just sad.

1. The Happening

Plants aren't scary. Nuff said.

5 Best Films of 2008

5. Funny Games

Don't be fooled by the title there is nothing funny about Funny Games. In fact this is the most disturbing film I've ever seen. Funny Games is sick, twisted, and brilliant. It is the only movie I've ever seen that TRULY challenges the audience. The two guys you see there take a family of three hostage and make a bet, which is, the two guys bet the family will be dead by morning, and the family bet they wont. These terms are never agreed by the family, but they didn't really have a choice. Now we've all seen films like this where people are trapped in a house and have to fight to survive, and we love these films, but the film asks us why, literally. There is a moment in the film where our villain addresses us and ask us why do we like seeing peoples lives in danger, why do we enjoy watching them get tortured? From that moment on the film continues to challenge you getting more and more disturbing by the minute until there is a breaking point and I REALLY asked myself why am I watching this, and that is why this film is so brilliant. It really makes you think about those Saw and Hostel films and why that's exciting to watch. I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone that cant handle heavy material, but if you want to be challenged by a film unlike any film you've ever seen before see Funny Games. Warning this is not for the weak hearted.

4. Definitely, Maybe

Definitely, Maybe is the most original romantic comedy I've ever seen, well It's more like an anti-romantic comedy mystery. Let me explain, a little girl (the adorable Abigail Breslin) comes home from school one night after her first sex ed lesson, and as kids do, she has questions, a lot of questions. The conversation she has with her father eventually leads to the question of how her parents, who are in the middle of a divorce, met. Instead of just telling her straight out, he will include all three women in his life that he knew around the time they met, and she (we) are going to have to figure out which one is her mom. The twist and turns in this guy meets girl, meets girl, meets girl love story will keep you guessing until the very moment we find out who her mom is, and just when you think you have it, you will be wrong every time, and that's what makes this film so great. It's a different way to watch a romantic comedy, instead of guy meets girl, and we all know by the end of the movie they are going to end up together so what's the point of all this drama (don't get me wrong, some movies can use this formula very well) we get a love story that engages us and keeps us interested and guessing, and you really don't know who he's going to end up with in the end. And just like every mystery when you see the outcome you say to yourself "I should have figured that out."

3. Seven Pounds

Besides Ali, this might be Will Smith's best film yet, and yes I'm including The Pursuit of Happyness. It is such a subtly powerful film that it kind of sneaks up on you. It's just one of those films that is so captivating that you lose track of time. Like I wrote in my review for this film I'm not sure how to explain the story without giving away the ending, but just check out my review and you'll see how much I like this film.

2. Wall-E

Pixar has truly outdone themselves this time, just when I think to myself there's no way they can top that, they do, every year. Wall-E is no exception. Wall-E is not only the best animated film I have ever seen, it's one of the best films I've ever seen period. The ideas and messages in Wall-E are so far beyond anything you would expect from an animated film that it almost takes you off guard a bit. If you are the type of person that says "I don't like kiddie movies." Do yourself a favor and don't miss out on Wall-E. Wall-E isn't a "kiddie" movie in fact some of the themes in the film go way over a kids head, this is simply a Sci-Fi movie that's family friendly like the original Star Wars trilogy, if you go by the ratings on those films those are "kiddie" movies too. Don't put off Wall-E because it's animated, you will be doing yourself a great disservice and missing out on one of the best films released this year.

1. The Dark Knight

"Why so serious?" Was there any question as to what was going to be numero uno on this list? It's really a no brainer. The Dark Knight was the strongest film to come out this year, with an great story, intense action, and brilliant performances The Dark Knight is the best film I've seen not just in 08', but in a few years, maybe since LOTR: The Return of the King. I hate to keep saying what you have been hearing all year long since the movie came out, but it's just simply true, Heath Ledger was PHENOMENAL. Really if you haven't seen this movie by now you are missing out on one of the greatest films ever made.

Notable Mention:

I wrote this list before this movie was released so I have yet to see it. The trailers for this film seem like this could be a serious Oscar contender, and it looks like a fantastic film. I'll have a review up as soon as I get a chance to see it.

Here are some films that I am looking forward to for 2009, be sure to google them for more info.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Terminator: Salvation


I Love You, Man

Monsters vs. Aliens

G. I. Joe: Rise of Cobra

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Fast & Furious

Star Trek


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Funny People

James Cameron's Avatar

 Are there any movies that you would have liked to see on either of the lists? What are some of the films you're looking forward to in 2009?

one luv, Toinne

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