Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight is finally on DVD, and as soon as I got a chance today I went and picked it up. Not only was this movie the best of the summer, but the best I've seen all year so far. The Dark Knight is a flawless film. The only movie that I have ever seen that is better than The Dark Knight is The Godfather Part II. Even if you know nothing about batman you don't have to, that is another thing that makes this film so great, my mom was only interested in this film because she had heard how great Heath Legder was and wanted to see for herself. She feared that not really knowing enough about batman was going to get in the way of her experience, but she understood everything and was just as blown away as I was by it. Speaking of Legder, I have never seen a better performance in a film in my entire life, ever, and I'm pretty sure it is going to be a very long time before anyone can top this performance. He went all out for this role, it is the only time ever while I was watching a film and completely forget who the actor was that was playing the role. Heath Ledger didn't just play the joker in this movie he WAS the joker. I realize the Jack Nicholson played the same role in a earlier batman film, and as good as he was Heath Ledgers joker makes Jack Nicholson's version look like a badly drawn cartoon. Back to what I saying the reason, the reason why anyone like my mom can enjoy The Dark Knight is because it is approached more like a crime drama than a superhero movie, if you took batman and the joker out of the film you would have a movie more like The Departed. So if you've heard about how amazing this film is (and I'm sure you have) but feared the same thing my mom did you really don't have to worry about catching up, just go buy it already because you are missing out on literally one of the greatest films ever made, and if you've seen Batman Begins but haven't seen The Dark Knight yet, just give on movies because you have FAILED. Maybe that was a little harsh, now that it is on DVD you can redeem yourself. Seriously, why are you still reading this? Go buy the movie.

5 out of 5

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

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