Friday, December 26, 2008

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

It seems that I wrote my best of the year thing just a little too soon. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt as the title character is about a guy who was born as an old man, but throughout his life he grows younger. For example when he's 7 years old he looks and feels like his life is almost over. He needs a cane to walk, his bones are brittle and his hair is grey. When he's 70 he looks like his life is about to start he can stand on his own two feet, his skin is smooth and clear and he has a full head of blond hair. Watching the trailers I knew that this "hook" for the film was going to be cool to watch, but once you get into the film it's not a hook, it's just the character. Benjamin Button is a beautiful film, it is a rare film that is out of the ordinary and unparalleled with anything I've ever seen before. I haven't seen a film this good since Titanic. It's just so unique, and not because of the growing younger thing, but it just sweeps you into Benjamin's world and takes us along on his journey through life. As mentioned before the film stars Brad Pitt and he is just as good as ever in this film, with the stuff he's been doing recently he is really starting to shine as an actor and his gripping performance as Benjamin Button may be one of his best. He played the role with such respect for the material that I can't imagine anyone else playing Button, not even Johnny Depp who usually would take on a film with this type of material. The film also stars Cate Blanchett who's performance may be overlooked come award season but is just as striking as Pitt's. Taraji P. Henson who is always delightful has a supporting role, she is the woman who finds Benjamin on her steps as a baby and raised him as her own, her appearances in the film really grounds it in reality, she brings something that makes this fantasy of a story feel is if this was something that could really happen. Another person I would like to mention who had a very small part, but who's character really effected me and the film overall is Tilda Swinton, better known as The White Witch in Narnia. Her performance though small sort of brings the film together near the end. The overall themes of the film dealing with life, death, and getting older were very profound and thoughtful it's a film that really sticks with you long after it's over, even now as I'm writing this review it still has an effect on me. So with all that said The Curious Case of Benjamin is without a doubt the best film of 2008. I know wrote a list a few days ago saying otherwise, but as I stated in that post I had yet to see this film when I wrote it, so next year I think I'll wait until the year is actually over before I write a post like that. So back to the movie Ben Button is not a film that you want to miss out on if you call yourself a movie lover. It is an incredible film with great imagination, whimsical humor, a marvelous story, superb acting, and brilliant directing. What a movie.

5 out of 5

Agree of Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie.

one luv, Toinne

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