Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Top 10 Action Franchises of All Time

Action movies. Well all love them. The best thing about action movies is they take us away for a few hours, they're the kind of movies that you don't really have to use your brain to watch. Some action movies are so good that we want more of them, and then the sequel was born. Before The Empire Strikes Back the sequel was something Hollywood just didn't do with the exception of The Godfather, then they found out that when we love characters we'll watch basically the same movie over again with a few changes. Sequels started popping up all over the place, and sequels to the sequels until we had franchises. Over the years there have been some really good action franchises, some have stood the test of time, and some have just been introduced. These are some of the ones that I have found to be the most entertaining action franchises out there. I'm basing my choices on the franchises as a whole, not just a franchise with just one good movie out of three or four. So unfortunately I couldn't include the Alien franchise and I really wanted to because I love Aliens, sadly Robocop wont be here either just because the third movie was so bad I couldn't bring myself to put it on this list. So without further ado here's what I think are the 10 best action franchises of all time.

10. Pirates of the Caribbean

The Pirates movies are just fun to watch, granted they are a little confusing, but when a movie is this much fun I just don't seem to care. Johnny Depp has created one of the coolest characters ever in Jack Sparrow, who is essentially Keith Richards dressed like a pirate, yet he does it so well that I couldn't fathom anyone else doing Capt. Jack. Johnny Depp isn't the only good thing about the pirates movies, the action is incredible ( I guess that's why it's on this list) with all the sword fights and acrobatics this movie is cake for your eyes, and ears, it's one of the few action franchises were the music is instantly recognizable anywhere you go. I love watching these movies, confusing story lines and all. Just leave your brain at the door and enjoy them for what they are, fun popcorn flicks.

9. Mission: Impossible

This franchise found a fresh audience with the 1996 film adaptation of the popular 1960's television series. My mom wanted to see it because she used to love the show, I wanted to see it because it looked like a cool movie. Fans of the show or new to the franchise Mission: Impossible was a satisfying film. That scene where Tom Cruise repels down into the computer room became so iconic that it might be one of the most memorable scenes in film history, but this franchise almost wasn't a franchise at all. It took four years for the sequel to come out, and another six years for third the come out. Even though these films were spread out over the years the differences in when they came out was actually a good for the franchise as a whole. The films kept getting better because techniques in film making were getting better, so it turned out that each one is a staple of how good action movies were made in the times that they were released.

8. Lethal Weapon

Riggs and Murtaugh. Has there ever been a better buddy movie duo than these two? I really don't think so, the on screen chemistry between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover is really the best thing about the Lethal Weapon movies. Well then there is the action of course. This might be the first franchise that turned going to see action movies into the big budget events they are today. It also might be one of the first to truly cement the sequel approach in the Hollywood mindset. One thing I always loved about the Lethal Weapon movies is the character moments, it's rare that an action movie will actually take a break from the action and even the story and let us get to know the characters, and Lethal Weapon did it better than all of them. If an action movie goes of tangent for even a moment it quickly becomes boring, but somehow the Lethal Weapon movies had many of these moments where nothing is really happening and it still manages to keep our interest. That is a true testament to the talent of these actors and why I can watch these movies over and over again.

7. Star Wars

Star Wars is the biggest franchise ever. I love the Star Wars universe, I think it is the most interesting universe on film. So why isn't it higher on the list? I think we all know the answer to that, the Prequels, a word we have never heard before they came out. I'm not saying I didn't like the prequels, they had some really good action sequences, but that's about it with the exception of Revenge of the Sith. Had the original trilogy only existed then there is no doubt that Star Wars would be higher up on the list. I can forgive George Lucas for the Ewoks, but I cant forgive him for Jar-Jar Binks and a whiny emo Darth Vader. Like I said I love the universe of Star Wars, and the prequels are starting to redeem themselves with that new cartoon network show The Clone Wars. I still just wish Lucas would have left this one alone.

6. Indiana Jones

Yet another George Lucas franchise that would be higher on the list if he would have just left it alone. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull got a lot of negative feedback. I'll agree that it had it's flaws, but I didn't hate it, the movie did have some pretty entertaining moments. But this isn't about Crystal Skull, this is about the Indiana Jones series, and the Indiana Jones series is fantastic, nuked fridge and all. These are some of the most fun movies to watch ever, Harrison Ford's swagger is just impressive, this is the role that made him an icon. The old Indy movies were like the coolest movies when I was growing up I could watch them so many times and never grow tired of them, even to this day. But seriously wtf was with the nuked fridge?

5. Die Hard

John Mclane, is there a better action hero? If this was a top ten action heroes list guess who would be number one. The Die Hard series is great simply because Bruce Willis makes John Mclane seem like the biggest bad ass on the planet earth. He's unstoppable, and he's creative when it comes to blowing things up. How Mclane survives the things that are thrown at him is beyond me, anyone else wouldn't have even made it out of that building alive, but somehow Mclane did. Whats really cool about the Die Hard movies is that even John Mclane is surprised by what he just did, he thinks what just happened was really cool the same way we do. It's almost like Bruce Willis is acknowledging the audience, saying "Was that cool or what?". The best thing about it all is that this unstoppable killing machine is really just a regular guy. Yippie Ki Yay.

4. The Lord of the Rings

This is more than just an action franchise, it is an epic adventure. These movies are what epic movies should be. Featuring some of the best and most epic battles in film history, I'm not sure if The Lord of the Rings battles can ever be topped as far as action movies go, not even by Peter Jackson himself. Granted these movies can be long and watching the entire series back to back after a while can start feel like a chore, but there is a reason why you stick with it, because know that right around the corner is one of the best battles you've ever seen. I can literally watch those battles over and over again always notice something I hadn't before. And has there ever been a more satisfying end to a trilogy then The Return of the King? I'll just go ahead and answer that for you, no, no there hasn't been. This is truly the most epic action franchise ever.

3. Terminator

The Terminator franchise is hardcore. There is nothing more awesome than seeing two machines go at it, there's something about the sound effects in those fight scenes that really make you feel every hit. They also know that the other machine is invulnerable so they really try to do the most damage that they can to each other, I just love those fight scenes. It's not just the fight scenes that make the Terminator movies great, it's also the car chase sequences. Those chase scenes are the most heart-pounding chases ever. What also make these movies great is that the odds are incredibly against our heroes, and when the stakes are that high it always makes for an intense movie night. Yet no matter how high the odds are stacked against them, our heroes always come out on top making it that much more satisfying. The television series also isn't that bad, actually I think it's pretty entertaining, and with Terminator: Salvation coming out next year this franchise isn't slowing down anytime soon.

2. The Matrix

Say what you will about these movies but you can't deny that The Matrix is a kick ass franchise. The first Matrix movie is loved by all, but some people said the other two weren't that good. I always wondered why they said this, and if they were watching the same movies I was. I have seen The Matrix movies so many times that I've stopped counting. The fight scenes are some of the most elaborate and beautifully choreographed to ever grace Hollywood. The Matrix films are a bit of a mixed bag. There's fight scenes, car chases, gun fights, ship chases, even a mech vs robot battle royale. It's an action fans dream, an action trail mix if you will, but not only are these movies action packed, they are really cool. This maybe the coolest action franchise ever, the look, the feel, the costumes, the setting, the story, the characters, everything about these movies are just simply cool. To those who think The Matrix went downhill after the first one, I'm not quite sure what you were expecting from the rest of the series. Anyway I think The Matrix is the coolest action franchise to ever come along.

1. The Bourne Trilogy

The Bourne Trilogy is without a doubt the most exciting, most intense, most fast paced, most gritty, most hard hitting, most relentless, most consistent action franchise I've ever seen. Every Bourne movie has consistently gotten better than the previous which is rare even for some of the best action franchises. Jason Bourne is the deadliest and most efficient action hero to ever come across the silver screen. To be honest before the first one came out, I had little to no faith in Matt Damon playing an action hero, but by the time it was over I was convinced. I can't get enough of The Bourne Trilogy. Just last week I took a day and watched the entire trilogy back to back, which I had never done before, and it just hit me that there might not be a better action franchise than the Bourne movies. It might even be what gave the the idea for this post. I just can't say enough about the Bourne movies It is in my opinion without a doubt whatsoever the best action franchise of all time.

Honorable Mention: 24

I love 24. I think it's one of the best shows on television, and I really wanted to stick to movies here, but I seriously considered putting 24 on the list just because it's such a great show.

Agree or Disagree? Is anything on the list that you think should be higher or lower? Did I forget one of your favorite action franchises? Let me know in the comments.

one luv, Toinne

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